Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 3:47 p.m. No.14039613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9671 >>9705 >>9970 >>0021

YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views — BANS THEM from Covering Trump Rally Tomorrow — WATCH ON RUMBLE!


President Trump held his first rally of the political season on Saturday in Wellington, Ohio at the Lorain County Fairgrounds.


Trump held the rally in support of Max Miller who is challenging Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, a Never-Trumper who voted to impeach President Trump in January.


The event was PACKED hours before President Trump’s speech.


Right Side Broadcasting Network aired the live feed for the rally tonight in Ohio.


38,000 supporters were watching the rally at 5 PM ET — two hours before the event.


This compares to a typical Biden speech that draws around 700 viewers during the entire live speech!


There were 181,000 supporters watching the rally on RSBN at around 7 PM and President Trump had not even hit the stage!


When Donald Trump took the stage 195,000 were watching!


The RSBN video had over 2 million views of the Ohio rally.


That was too much for the DNC and YouTube.


YouTube took the video down this week!

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 3:48 p.m. No.14039624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9658

==here it comes NWO=


Over 100 countries sign onto U.S. agreement to implement a minimum global corporate tax


China and India are among the 130 countries that signed the agreement.



President Biden's plan to establish a worldwide minimum corporate now has the support of 130 countries including China and India.


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who has been leading the United States’ effort to have a global minimum tax of at least 15%, made the announcement Thursday when the agreement among the countries was made official, according to CBS News.


"Today's agreement by 130 countries representing more than 90% of global GDP is a clear sign," Yellen said. "America will enter a competition that we can win – one judged on the skill of our workers and the strength of our infrastructure. … We have a chance now to build a global and domestic tax system that lets American workers and businesses compete and win in the world economy."


The two-step, framework plan was coordinated by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. The first part allows countries the right to tax roughly $100 billion in multinational profits on companies that do business within their borders. The second part supports implementing a 15% global minimum tax, which the organization estimates would generate roughly $150 billion a year in revenues.

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 3:54 p.m. No.14039667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Northern Ohio Health System Agrees to Pay Over $21 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations for Improper Payments to Referring Physicians

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.14039711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9729 >>9970 >>0021

Sheriffs, ICE Officers Sue Biden Administration for Immigration Non-Enforcement


Complaint alleges child sex offenders—among others—are being returned to the community


On Thursday, four Texas sheriffs, their counties, and the Federal Police Foundation—which represents ICE officers—filed a complaint in federal court in the Southern District of Texas, seeking an injunction of Biden administration policies that are blocking enforcement of Congress’s mandates in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). They have revealed that child sex offenders—and other dangerous aliens—are being released back into the community, instead of being detained and removed.


Biden’s policies are primarily set forth in a memorandum issued by then-Acting DHS Secretary David Pekoske on January 20, captioned "Review of and Interim Revision to Civil Immigration Enforcement and Removal Policies and Priorities” and a February 18 memo from Acting ICE Director Tae Johnson, captioned “Interim Guidance: Civil Immigration Enforcement and Removal Priorities”.


I analyzed both extensively in a February post, but basically the January 20 memo established “interim enforcement priorities” pending the outcome of an ongoing policy review, and ordered an “immediate pause on removals . . . for 100 days.”


The “priorities” for immigration enforcement under that memo are extremely narrow: terrorists, spies, and other national-security risks; aliens apprehended entering illegally after October 31, 2020; and criminal aliens incarcerated on aggravated felonies.


Note that by “immigration enforcement”, that memo meant not just removals, but also questioning, stops, arrests, detentions, prosecutions, and paroles.


There was no real explanation in that memo for this policy, nor any consideration of the public-safety consequences that would result therefrom.


Nor was there any in the February 18 memo, which was largely a carryover of the January 20 one.


Among the differences in the latter memo were that a very limited number of gang members were added as ICE priorities for questioning, arrest, detention, and removal, and other aliens convicted of aggravated felonies were also included, provided that they posed a threat to “public safety”.


You might assume that every alien gang member and aggravated felon poses a threat to public safety, but if you did, you would be a bad fit for the Biden policy team.


That’s because in assessing whether a gang member or aggravated felon poses a threat to public safety, the immigration enforcement officer now also has to consider how recent the conviction was, the alien’s family and personal situation, family ties, and whether the alien is in poor health.


Oh, and any rehabilitation.


These stringent restrictions on enforcement also apply to agents and officers in placing detainers on currently detained or incarcerated aliens.

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 4:11 p.m. No.14039764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777

Human Rights Groups Are Quitting YouTube Over Its Pro-China Censorship


In yet another glaring example of Google willingly doing China's bidding, YouTube this month agreed to take down multiple videos posted by a well-known China-related human rights organization.


As Reuters recently reported, YouTube initially tried to pressure the group called Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights to censor its content in several videos documenting disappeared Uyghur citizens in China's Xinjiang province, which YouTube interpreted as a violation of its anti-harassment policy given personally identifiable information was present.


Despite the group's videos essentially including detailed news reporting, the Google-owned platform said it had too many strikes against it related to people featured showing their IDs. The organization was asked to blur the IDs.


The IDs were shown on the videos to verify that interviewees were indeed relatives of those believed to be missing inside Xinjiang's vast 'reeducation camp' prisons. Instead of continuing to allow the videos to garner millions of views, spotlighting the ongoing crackdown against the Chinese Muslim minorities, YouTube instead "disappeared" the videos. The controversy began within the past years as follows:


Atajurt Kazakh Human Rights' channel has published nearly 11,000 videos on YouTube totaling over 120 million views since 2017, thousands of which feature people speaking to camera about relatives they say have disappeared without a trace in China's Xinjiang region, where UN experts and rights groups estimate over a million people have been detained in recent years.


On June 15, the channel was blocked for violating YouTube's guidelines, according to a screenshot seen by Reuters, after twelve of its videos had been reported for breaching its 'cyberbullying and harassment' policy.


While a number of videos have been reportedly restored on appeal, Atajurt Kazakh was alarmed enough over the crackdown to announce it would move its content to a less restrictive blockchain-based platform.


YouTube later defended the move, describing that its harassment policy "clearly prohibits content revealing someone’s personally identifiable information, including their government identification or phone numbers." It claimed to further be enforcing policies "equally for everyone".


Meanwhile in related news…

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 4:33 p.m. No.14039898   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Delta coronavirus variant may be spreading, but high vaccination rates mean Israelis stay free


As Australia contemplates a shift in its COVID-19 strategy from suppression to management, one of the most highly vaccinated nations in the world is giving us a glimpse into a future where we can live relatively normally with the virus.

Key points:


In Israel, about 60 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated

After an outbreak in schools, the nation is experiencing 300 cases a day

Authorities say vaccines mean they won't have to put people in lockdowns


In recent weeks, Israel has been hit by a new outbreak of COVID-19, far worse than Australia's, driven largely by the highly-infectious Delta variant.


Despite this, Israeli health authorities are not panicking and no lockdowns loom.


The outbreak appears to have emerged in schools, where unvaccinated children brought the virus home and spread it among adults.


Just one month ago, there were virtually no cases, but more than 300 cases are now being reported every day.


Within 10 days, the Israeli health ministry is expecting close to 1,000 cases per day.

Days before he announced Australia's pathway out of lockdowns, Mr Morrison used Israel — where 60 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated with the Pfizer jab — to warn Australians that vaccines are not the silver bullet in combating COVID-19.


"Under this new Delta variant, [in Israel] we're seeing potentially 50 per cent of new cases being people who have been vaccinated," the Prime Minister said.


"So, there are many uncertainties."


On Thursday here in Israel, 42 per cent of new confirmed cases were among the vaccinated.


But a leading Israeli epidemiologist says that figure does not tell the full story.


Aus state media

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 4:40 p.m. No.14039953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9980

Anonymous ID: a983ac July 2, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.14040030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0046 >>0055

Australians have ‘not been told the truth’ about COVID-19 management: Hanson


One Nation Leader Pauline Hanson says “we have not been told the truth” about COVID-19 management in Australia, as most of the population is in lockdown while several countries around the world enjoy freedom of movement.


“I’m hearing that the rest of the world, New York is opened up, it’s all getting back to business. But here we are in lockdown with just a few cases, I think it’s ridiculous,” Ms Hanson told Sky News Host Chris Kenny.


“We have not been told the truth all along with regards to COVID.


“And shutting our country down, we’ve got business that are struggling, people with depression, children going through problems because they can’t go to school, domestic violence on the rise … I think it’s disgraceful.


“Do you honestly believe the politicians and these health seniors … Are actually going to tell you the truth now? After what they’ve put the Australian people through for the last year and a half?