Anonymous ID: dd9c08 July 2, 2021, 3:02 p.m. No.14039352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9492 >>9494 >>9705 >>9970 >>0021

The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) Worked with the UN, Twitter, State Govts and Non-profits to Prevent Free Speech and Impact the 2020 US Election


The National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) held meetings with the UN since 2018, now we see that they also worked with Twitter in 2020 to prevent free speech.


We reported again yesterday the story about how one American, Dr. Shiva Ayyarurai, discovered that Twitter has built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call “Twitter Partner Status.”



Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office.


Discovering this, Dr. Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit by himself, alleging that his federal civil rights were violated when the government silenced his political speech in order to affect an election.


Legal observers note, the judge is signaling that Twitter’s days of claiming it is a private company so as to avoid it’s clear oppression of conservative speech, banning scores of conservative journalists, and promotion of liberal views, may be coming to a close end:


Manhattan Cmty. Access Corp. v. Halleck, 139 S. Ct. 1921, 1928 (2019)


“A private entity can qualify as a state actor in a few limited circumstances-including, for example, … when the government compels the private entity to take a particular action…”


Blum v. Yaretsky, 457 U.S. 991, 1004 (1982)


“a State normally can be held responsible for a private decision only when it has exercised coercive power or has provided such significant encouragement, either overt or covert, that the choice must in law be deemed to be that of the State”


This case could spell the end of CDA 230.


CDA 230 is the provision of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 that gives internet and social media companies legal immunity from lawsuits due to the content they publish.


This provision in law gives companies like Facebook and Twitter a way to dismiss lawsuits, but it also gives them the ability to act with impunity so that their actions cannot be legally challenged. These companies have, according to their detractors, abused this immunity by suppressing dissident, and specifically conservative, views, viewpoints and journalism.


Because Dr. Ayyadurai did not argue about Twitter’s “Terms of Service” everything will instead hinge on the degree of interaction between Twitter and the state government of Massachusetts.


What we noticed today is that Dr. Shiva’s lawsuit also includes the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED):

Anonymous ID: dd9c08 July 2, 2021, 3:10 p.m. No.14039384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Ken Buck Demands Answers On Facebook’s ‘Censorship Of Legitimate Content’


Republican Colorado Rep. Ken Buck is demanding that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explain the social media giant’s censorship of content related to the COVID-19 lab-leak theory.


“Facebook has had the embarrassing position of having to defend its censorship of legitimate content,” Buck wrote in a Thursday letter, obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller. Buck referenced the alleged racism of the lab-leak theory, as well as a report claiming that Facebook and Instagram, are primary methods of online sex trafficking.


Facebook “remove[s] content that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of humans, including human trafficking,” which it defines “as the business of depriving someone of liberty for profit.” In some cases, content seeps through the moderator’s cracks, and on other occasions, content is removed that doesn’t violate Facebook’s standards.


“Much of the content Facebook censored under the pretense of combating misinformation about COVID-19 was related to the theory that the virus could have leaked out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Facebook quickly eradicated this theory from the public discourse amidst criticism—including from the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party—that the theory was racist,” Buck wrote.


Zuckerberg emailed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, on several occasions about Facebook content related to COVID-19. During the pandemic, Facebook labeled content associated with the lab-leak theory “misinformation,” but no longer does so.


The letter also notes Facebook’s decision to ban reporting based on Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling the company’s concern leading to “unconditional erasure of reports that were damaging to then-candidate Joe Biden regarding his son, Hunter Biden … unfounded.”


Buck calls the “misalignment of values” that causes Facebook to “polic[e] speech that is Constitutionally protected” while “fail[ing] to effectively screen illegal and exploitive content … deeply disconcerting.”


A report from The Human Trafficking Institute found that “59 percent of online victim recruitment in active sex trafficking cases occurred on Facebook.”


Facebook did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: dd9c08 July 2, 2021, 3:20 p.m. No.14039444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden’s pick for German ambassador is president of university that paid him nearly $1M


President Biden’s nominee to be the next ambassador to Germany is an Ivy League president whose university paid him nearly $1 million for an honorary professor gig where he was seldom seen, it was revealed Friday.


University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann, who has headed the Philadelphia-based institution since 2004, is the first envoy to a G-7 nation to be nominated by Biden.


If confirmed by the Senate, the 71-year-old Gutmann would be the second woman to serve as America’s chief diplomat in Berlin. (Robin Quinville has served as acting US ambassador to Germany since June of last year.)


Biden accepted an honorary professorship at UPenn after he left office as vice president in 2017. He held the post until April 2019, when he launched his successful presidential campaign.


In July 2019, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Biden was paid $911,643 by Penn. The student newspaper, the Daily Pennsylvanian, counted just nine on-campus appearances by the then-former senator and vice president between February 2017 and February 2019. Five of those events featured cameos by Gutmann.


The crowning achievement of Biden’s association with the university was the opening in February 2018 of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, an event overseen by Gutmann.


Gutmann was one of three ambassadorial nominations announced by the White House Friday. Biden has also tapped career diplomat Jeffrey Hovenier to be the US envoy to Kosovo, while another longtime State Department official, Virginia Palmer, has been nominated to be ambassador to Ghana.


Friday’s announcement brings the total number of national ambassadors nominated by Biden to 21, according to the American Foreign Service Association. Nine other Biden selections as envoys to international bodies, like the United Nations and NATO, have either been formally nominated or confirmed.

Anonymous ID: dd9c08 July 2, 2021, 3:22 p.m. No.14039459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9468 >>9543

McCaskill Declares She Will Celebrate Independence Day by Watching Capitol Protest Videos, Claims Jan 6 Was Worse Than Benghazi


"We're going to start a new family tradition!"


Former Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill declared that she will be celebrating Independence Day by watching videos of the Capitol Hill protests, claiming January 6 was worse than Benghazi.


Appearing on MSNBC on Thursday, after being interviewed on the Capitol Hill protests, McCaskill was asked what her plans were for Independence Day. In a rather bizarre turn of events, she proudly declared that she would be starting a “new family tradition” this July 4. “On the Fourth of July and every Fourth of July going forward, we’re going to watch that video the New York Times put together of January 6,” McCaskill said, with no indication she was being ironic.

Before her rather bizarre comment, McCaskill was discussing the creation of the new select committee put together by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate the Capitol Hill protests, and claimed that it was somehow worse than the Benghazi incident, where four Americans were murdered as a result of failings by the Obama administration, and specifically Hillary Clinton.


“Benghazi had in the House alone, six investigations, including a select committee, and if you compare and contrast, I don’t want to minimise the loss of life in Benghazi, or the problems around the security of those locations, I don’t want to minimise that, but let’s compare and contrast those two events, and which is more foundation-shaking to our democracy,” McCaskill said.

Anonymous ID: dd9c08 July 2, 2021, 3:24 p.m. No.14039480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9509

Biden Promised To ‘End The Forever War’ In Afghanistan, But His Actions Tell A Different Story


Is the war truly ending or is it merely being privatized?


Joe Biden, who voted for the authorization of US military force in Afghanistan, said he would “end the forever war,” announcing that all troops would leave the region by the 4th of July. However, this claim is greatly misleading, as the American presence in Afghanistan will remain in the form of clandestine Special Operations Forces, government contractors and covert intelligence operatives, along with up to 1,000 US troops.


The last remaining US soldiers have reportedly left Bagram Air Base after Joe Biden announced an end to the “forever war” in Afghanistan on July 4. It is clear that Biden will tout this supposed end to US involvement in the country as the official American troop presence declines to the displeasure of the war hawks, the military industrial complex, and their ardent supporters in US mainstream media. However, as many as 1,000 troops could remain, and the apparent privatization of the war in Afghanistan has been widely unreported and kept out of public view.


Today, when asked if the withdrawal from Afghanistan was going to be “done in the next few days,” Biden said “no,” then went on to incoherently mutter something about a “rational drawdown” of US forces until September. It was clear that Biden did not want to discuss the Afghanistan withdrawal after he snapped at reporters for asking him about it. “I wanna talk about happy things, man,” Biden complained to the press.


Perhaps Biden did not want to anger the war machine, which so desperately wants Americans to support the seemingly endless failed military endeavour, or his reaction could be due to the revelation that instead of “declared troops” in Afghanistan, “a shadowy combination of clandestine Special Operations forces, Pentagon contractors and covert intelligence operatives” would remain in the country, as was reported by the New York Times.


“Regardless of whether the 3500 acknowledged U.S. troops leave Afghanistan, the U.S. military will still be present in the form of thousands of special operations and CIA personnel in and around Afghanistan, through dozens of squadrons of manned attack aircraft and drones stationed on land bases and on aircraft carriers in the region, and by hundreds of cruise missiles on ships and submarines,” said Matthew Hoh, a disabled veteran who resigned from the State Department in 2009 in protest of the war. “These totals reflect the U.S. government’s strategy of outsourcing war to the benefit of private mercenary corporations, and as a means of distancing the war from the public and averting dissent, since relatively few Americans are directly impacted by it,” according to a report by CovertAction Magazine. “One of the biggest mercenary companies is DynCorp International of Falls Church Virginia, which has received over $7 billion in government contracts to train the Afghan army and manage military bases in Afghanistan. From 2002-2013, DynCorp received 69 percent of all State Department funding. Forbes Magazine called it “one of the big winners of the Iraq and Afghan Wars;” the losers being almost everyone else.”