Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.14039565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9626 >>9705 >>9970 >>0021

GEORGENEWS, [02.07.21 18:29]



JULY 2, 2021



Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


Look what’s going on in New York with their Fake Election. The same thing just happened with the 2020 Presidential Election Hoax. America is no longer a Country of Free and Fair Elections!



Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:39 p.m. No.14039568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9578 >>9705 >>9970 >>0021

GEORGENEWS, [02.07.21 18:34]



JULY 2, 2021



Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America


The Democrats are WEAPONIZING Radical Left prosecutors against the Republican Party in order to STEAL ELECTIONS. We cannot let them get away with this. They are destroying our Country!



Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:42 p.m. No.14039587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9656 >>9781

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅, [02.07.21 15:21]


Via @TheBabylonBee


Man Spending $5 A Gallon On Gas Excited To Learn He Will Save $0.16 On Cheese This Year


LOS ANGELES, CA—Local man Henry Truckman was filling up his gas tank today in preparation for the holiday weekend. The 19-gallon tank in his 2016 Camaro cost nearly $95 to fill up, and he was feeling pretty down about how expensive gas is under the Biden administration—that is, until he pulled up Twitter and saw that a slice of cheese would cost him 16 cents less this year, thanks to Uncle Joe.


"Wow – a whole 16 cents! Thanks, Biden!" he said, his mood having instantly shifted to one of joy and optimism. "This will change everything! I'd better drive home and tell the wife!" He happily drove toward his house, spending over $5 in gas to drive the 20 miles home.


Americans everywhere are pumped for the full 16 cents they will be saving on barbecues this year, as long as they don't have to drive anywhere to pick up their groceries, since the gas costs would offset any savings on onions, mustard, and relish. But, according to the White House, as long as the nation is willing to walk to the grocery store, keep their air conditioning off, and not buy any chips or soda, they'll have a full 16 cents to burn.


"And you can take that to the bank!" said President Biden happily. "16 cents will buy a lot. You can go get a sody pop down at the hop, pick up 16 candies, or even go see one of those new talkies!"

Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:49 p.m. No.14039631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9670 >>9703 >>9767

Bill Gates Announces He Too Will Go To Space Once His Rocket Is Finished Installing Updates


MEDINA, WA—With Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos finalizing plans to go to space, billionaire Bill Gates has surprised the world with an announcement that he too will be going to space on his "super secret" rocket any day now.


"Yes, I'm going to space too!" said Gates in a statement to the press. "I have a rocket that's really cool and top secret and way better than the other guys' rockets. I will be launching soon, as soon as my rocket finishes installing updates. Should be any day now…"


Experts expressed concern over the planned launch, as early reports indicated Gate's rocket was unstable, with over 50% of the test flights crashing inexplicably.


Gates remains undaunted and has promised there are only 22 days, 22 hours, 37 minutes remaining until launch.


No, wait– 5 days, 5 hours, 29 minutes remaining…


Oops– 14 hours, 3 minutes remaining…


Now just 3 minutes remaining…


Ope– it crashed, never mind.

Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:53 p.m. No.14039660   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9692

'We At The NSA Are Not Spying On You,' Insists Muffled Voice Coming From Tucker Carlson's Toaster


BOCA GRANDE, FL—Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been going back and forth with the NSA, with the television commentator insisting the NSA is spying on him. The agency, however, has denied the claim, saying, "We at the NSA are not spying on you and have never spied on you" in a tinny, muffled voice coming from his toaster this morning.


"I just can't believe the NSA would spy on me," Carlson muttered while eating his typical breakfast of two dozen eggs, fourteen strips of bacon, and a full tub of pre-workout powder.


"We are not spying on you," his toaster replied indignantly.


"What the –" Carlson shouted, jumping up and spilling bacon everywhere.


"We at the NSA are not spying on you and have never spied on you. We know nothing about you, like for instance that you enjoy the occasional slice of avocado toast with your breakfast, or that you have a tiny Tweety Bird tattoo on your lower back. We cannot know these things because we do not spy on American citizens without the proper court authorization. Have a great day!"


A freaked-out Carlson smashed the toaster to pieces with his bare fist and proceeded to frantically destroy appliances.


The NSA has said they are sorry for the incident and gifted Tucker with a hollowed-out wooden statue of Trump with suspiciously moving eyes by way of apology.

Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 3:58 p.m. No.14039689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9705 >>9706 >>9970 >>0021

@RealGenFlynn, [02.07.21 11:21]

Report:Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA

Dr. Kandiss Taylor released a report yesterday identifying over 168,000 ballots in Cobb County, Georgia, missing required chain


Report:Over 168,000 Ballots Missing Chain of Custody in Cobb County, GA


Dr. Kandiss Taylor released a report yesterday identifying over 168,000 ballots in Cobb County, Georgia, missing required chain of custody documentation.

We’ve been reporting for months on the hundreds of thousands of ballots missing chain of custody documentation in Georgia. In April we reported the following:


Joe Biden “won” in Georgia by only 11,779 votes.


The report above linked to a report from the Georgia Star that showed more than 89,000 ballots in Cobb County missing chain of custody documentation.


However, a new report out of Cobb County finds that the Elections Director had data drives with election data taken to a separate location, and printed tabulation tapes from a different machine.


This reportedly violated the standard procedure and chain of custody.


In a press release from Dr. Kandiss Taylor yesterday, Taylor, a candidate for governor, claims that there is sufficient evidence of process violations and malfeasance that would be adequate to place in doubt the results of the presidential election. Taylor writes:


The proper process of closing a precinct for advanced early voting or election day voting includes the printing of tabulation tapes from each ballot scanner where votes are cast. This provides the starting counter number (called the Protective Counter), unit serial number, number of votes scanned, date, time, and other vital information. Most precincts attach a printed hardcopy of these tapes, at the end of the day, to the door of precincts to show voters, in an act of transparency, how many votes were cast in each precinct. This is proper procedure for all voting precincts. The Protective Counter is comparable to an odometer by keeping track of how many ballots were scanned since the machine went into action. It cannot be reset nor rolled back for auditing purposes.


When the auditing team was examining the tabulator tapes for advanced voting, they noticed that some tapes were produced by the same machines with the same serial number, and the protective counter numbers stayed the same. Tapes, in some cases, were printed minutes apart. Each scanner should have produced its own tape, with its own counter number, with its own serial number on it, and with unique date and time stamps.


When questioned about these data anomalies, the Election Director told the auditing team leader that she decided to make the decision to remove original memory cards that held vote ballots and totals from the scanners. She had these cards brought back to her location, and the cards inserted in different machines she had at the county office. The cards would be officially closed. She effectively cast the voters’ ballots in a different machine and in a different location than where the voter originally cast their vote. Then, her staff proceeded to break the seals on the machine, remove the memory cards, and bring the cards back to her station. In doing this, the vote was flawed and did not protect the chain of custody of the ballots. The cards, which contained the ballot information and your vote totals, were haphazardly and, without chain of custody, mishandled with no proof of security or time-stamp.


Cobb County had 174,979 Early Advance votes. Only 6,057 early advanced votes were processed correctly. The result of this action is that 168,922 early advanced votes have no chain of custody, violated the vote security of the citizens of Cobb County, and therefore put into question the validity of the Cobb County votes.”


168,922 early advanced votes have no chain of custody in Cobb County alone.


The Gateway Pundit reported that Raffensperger lied to the public despite knowing that Georgia’s election had various issues with security and ballot safety.


All eyes have been on Fulton County since November 3rd, but Georgia was an absolute disaster everywhere.


This is even more proof that Georgia had a remarkably fraudulent 2020 election.


If you want to see full forensic audits in the state of Georgia LIKE WAS DONE IN ARIZONA, contact your legislators NOW and demand action!


Visit to submit a notice to your legislator and learn about Dr. Kandiss Taylor’s Georgia Gubernatorial campaign.


The 2020 election was the crime of the century and we must get to the bottom of this!

Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 4:07 p.m. No.14039738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9752 >>9770

Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline of the Pemex oil and gas company in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire is reportedly under control now.

Anonymous ID: f5272e July 2, 2021, 4:13 p.m. No.14039772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9807 >>9963

Biden on Afghanistan: "I want to talk about happy things, man!"


Biden: "I'm not going to answering any more questions on Afghanistan. Look, it's Fourth of July… I'll answer all your negative questions— not negative, your legitimate questions."