>What is there to fear~
What need is there to pretend to be a woman~
>What is there to fear~
What need is there to pretend to be a woman~
>When is Florida's new law going to start having real effects on the social media censorship
Didn't a judge just halt it?
>he entire world is a psyop
It's funny (in a nice way) when the people in this dream know it's a dream. Thanks for that.
If I say "dreamlike illusion" it's too much for most to grok. But everyone understands what a dream is, without being told. It also has no religious connotations as other words often do, which get in the way.
Did not expect a dream about Jews and race and genocide. Nothing in the ancient texts prepared me for this situation. Very strange. I also want to say something about how it seems modern "spiritual" people practice compassion for others in abstract ways, and reserve practicing compassion in concrete ways for themselves, and I'm not sure if they are doing things effeceintly by doing them in that manner.
Fire purifies, so maybe it's the one friend he really needs.
The frustrating thing is that I'm actually describing the Lamas I've come in contact with. Lineage holders. I don't know what to make of it.
You'll understand what I meant one day, maybe.
>no one can lead you to enlightenment but yourself
Everyone here is me, everyone here is you.
Thanks for the conversation, it was nice