Sunday, July 4, 2021, the Lord is calling out the Republic of the United States of America, just as He called out to Lazarus, dead in a grave. Yes, our Republic IS dead, since 1871, and it became a banana republic January 20, 2021.
Just as Lazarus was raised, our Republic will rise up! See the story about Lazarus in the Book of John, chapter 11. There was a process that day and that process will repeat itself for our nation. First, the Lord calls for the Republic to come forth, then the unbinding and revealing happens. It may not happen in a day, but from what the prophets say, there will be something in the natural people will see on the 4th.
Our nation had to die so it can be resurrected. And to God will be the glory. No man, no military, will be able to take credit for what is to come. I don't know what will happen, and God is always doing a new thing, but we could see a Red Sea or Gideon's army moment. Or it could be more like the way Joseph came to power in Egypt- from prison to second in the world's most powerful kingdom, in an hour! With God all things are possible.
In the story of Lazarus, the sister, Martha, told Jesus she had faith in what He would do. We have to have faith, too. God can do all this on His own, but the way He wants the Kingdom to run is with His people standing in faith WITH Him. Stand with Him on this now. Continue to pray, encourage others to pray and believe. I just heard a prophet say it's time for God's army to grow, and slide into the future!
Let's roll.