When is Florida's new law going to start having real effects on the social media censorship?
i guess so
it's fucking borderline for age, and we don't need that shit here joe
i wish he had archived not just screenshots
I saw when they said in congressional hearings they had shut down HAARP.
>paradise ca fire old guy tells his story with dead bodies - Pair_O_Dice_7_11.mp4
tyvm for this vid I didn't have it
> men who are gabby and insubordinate
If the military could ever operate without the yessir/nossir shit, and could have a more dynamic culture, I think it would benefit.
They'll take trannies who can act like they can play the game, but not freethinkers who are upfront and honest about their cultural divergence from militaristic norms
>cat called Gosha on May 6th, who was huddled underneath a car, with her legs bound by masking tape. Further analysis on the deceased cat found a large percentage of her fur missing, also concluding that she had been shot repeatedly with a BB gun
31 year old Rashad Gober of Hurley St.
>The Arab Spring was the beta test. The 2020 U.S. election & subsequent outcomes are downstream domestic equivalents.
exactly this
and gen. clark's testimony confirms that "arab spring" was in the bush admin pentagon 10 days after 9/11
>I thought that the C!A just scouted & recruited people.
they go to college recruitment fairs.
they send 2 blonde guys approx. 7ft tall. it's surreal.