Anonymous ID: 046e98 July 2, 2021, 7:02 p.m. No.14040953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0990 >>0992 >>0996 >>1004 >>1071 >>1085 >>1118 >>1140 >>1160 >>1196 >>1267 >>1288 >>1294 >>1400

(both pb)

>>14039732, >>14039611 The Kitchen/Notables are the #1 attack vector and the status quo makes things so easy for them to perform the constant Board Fuckery.

Currently writing a Notables scraper in Perl.

Funny enough, just created a module to keep code separate.

Now can use that to make a different program, which I think will take priority:

Automate gathering notables. Heuristic:

If there's a post with ">>nnnnnnnn" and then a "notable" beside it or on the next line, with zero or more blank lines between (covering edge cases), then it'll gather "nnnnnnnn" as a notable, with the first sentence from it. If it's images only, then the names of the images. The same "ID:" can't make its posts notable. Not sure how to cover the Tor case (ID: 000000), i.e., when legitimate user A on Tor "notables" legitimate user B on Tor's post, it'll look like the same "ID:" making its post notable. But it's an edge case; can keep the above heuristic for now and if anyone knows a way to differentiate, we can update.

Can reload once a minute to not strain the server (the page reloads every five seconds, but it doesn't do a complete reload).[1]

Not sure about automating a post. I guess others have done it. If there's code, point me to it; otherwise, it's just a form, right? :) (It might need to text me a captcha, and I text it back?)

So, once I do that, then:

This can be running anywhere, so "can't stop the signal Mal" and at the correct intervals, it'll give a report on the posts that other anons have considered notable. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, and 700 I've seen previously; and if it's automated, then any milestones can be programmed in, ANDthe baker won't have as much work to do - baker's job can be making "Notable" POSTS instead of note-taking!

Am thinking auto-bread-creation thoughts as well, but this seems more useful right now.

What do you think, sirs? /mst3k


[1] Some optimization: dynamically determine the reload time, similar to the update at the bottom of the page. If fewer posts between updates, take longer between updates. When it's getting closer to the threshold, update sooner; that way the "Notables at 500" (etc) can be done not long after the 500th post.


Another code thought: baker integration. If baker's ID: makes a post "Put Notables in Dough" then it'll do that when it sees it, along with a link back to the final notables post in the previous dough at the end (like I normally see, in other words). That way as the baker is creating the dough, this part can be automated; but, there's a delay while baker waits for the script to see the post, before baker can continue posting other stuff. Might not be as welcome; but, an idea! Anyway, enjoy, I'm going to work on this (the other stuff I mean :) ).

Anonymous ID: 046e98 July 2, 2021, 7:40 p.m. No.14041146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1156 >>1180


>I think at least for now, Tor posting is completely disabled, can only lurk. It might not be a worry (unless I'm completely missing something, which is quite possible).

>Thank you for sharing, this is the type of discussion we need to be having, even if none of the proposed changes (from anyone not just this post) get implemented, we better know where the community stands.

>Thanks fren.

Thank you! Good to get feedback. Was writing a standalone scraper of Notables, saving to a database. Plan was, I think, to "drop data to you" by people being able to put database IP and credentials in, and it'd save to their database as well, with defined schema so they could then make a web site out of it.

Started this after died.

Anyway, now I'm going to automate the notable GATHERING, which I think gives more bang for the buck.

And once that's done? It'll have already gathered them! So I could still write the part that provides the service of updating someone's database with the notables.

Idea behind "update your database" is: deep state can attack a web site.

So if I just make another, [They] can take it down.

But if I update your database, through Tor so you don't know where my script is running?

That's a lot more difficult to take down. Many website can easily pop up; taking them down then doesn't hurt us as much, and still uses the same amount of [their] ammo.

And news organizations can add themselves to this feed, as well.

"Can't stop the signal, Mal!"

Perhaps I said too much.

The first response to my write-up sure thinks so, kek!

God bless.


Oh! Security thought: of course, use a "throwaway" database for the external one, with nothing else on it; and, a restricted user in the database, for the credentials to give the script. Then the news organization would write their own "reflector" to pull the data into their particular database(s). Might even write a generic reflector for their use as well. This thing writes itself! :)

Anonymous ID: 046e98 July 2, 2021, 7:45 p.m. No.14041160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1174 >>1187 >>1196 >>1231 >>1294



>you can do what you want, but I'm going to keep baking by hand, like Q asked.

>IMO, anyone can build a curation algo. That is literally what automating note taking is.

>And, the reason why organic bakers are required, is because those cannot be gamed like an algo can. If you think having shit bakers in there pumping their aggregators is bad… Wait till they game an algo that only gets updated ad hoc.

>Why change a good thing? Anons have direct control now. We have an anon baker baking right now. Adding programming takes that away.

Oh, certainly! Not intending to take any fun away or make it easier to game.

Baker should have final say.

It should be like an assistant. One you can fire in an instant, and still get the job done.

Can easily make a "communications channel" like that "Put Notables in Dough" command, it only accepts commands from the baker's ID:. And it can talk back to the baker, like "Done" with link to the above post the baker made. Other commands can similarly be designed. "Help" being a good one. And no need for "Alexa, help" if the baker's ID: makes a post with the single word "Help" it'll respond with a list of commands that it recognizes.

Anyway, just thinking out loud from my past. Goal is to reduce your effort with same or better quality. At your service. o7

Anonymous ID: 046e98 July 2, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.14041288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1294 >>1299

>>14040953 >>14040990 >>14040992 >>14040996 >>14041004 >>14041071 >>14041085 >>14041118 >>14041140 >>14041160 >>14041196 >>14041267

Just realized it doesn't have to care what other anons post as "this is notable!" only what the baker's ID: posts!

So the baker can just keep scrolling, and when baker sees another anon nominate a post as notable, baker can investigate that post, and if baker agrees, baker then makes a post, ">>nnnnnnnn Notable" and the script then includes that.

This isn't foolproof but I'm working on getting there.

Anonymous ID: 046e98 July 2, 2021, 8:04 p.m. No.14041294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yuck, that was the default formatting! Still learning the ropes I guess…














>Just realized it doesn't have to care what other anons post as "this is notable!" only what the baker's ID: posts!

>So the baker can just keep scrolling, and when baker sees another anon nominate a post as notable, baker can investigate that post, and if baker agrees, baker then makes a post, ">>nnnnnnnn Notable" and the script then includes that.

>This isn't foolproof but I'm working on getting there.
