Anonymous ID: 654029 July 2, 2021, 8:10 p.m. No.14041338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden’s America: Ransomware Attack Paralyzes Networks of Hundreds of US Companies


This is Joe Biden’s America.


A ransomware attack paralyzed networks of more than 200 US companies on Friday.


Hackers targeted software supplier Kaseya and penetrated cloud-service providers by going through its network management system.


Surprise, surprise, Russians are being blamed for this latest ransomware attack.


Associated Press reported:


A ransomware attack paralyzed the networks of at least 200 U.S. companies on Friday, according to a cybersecurity researcher whose company was responding to the incident.


The REvil gang, a major Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate, appears to be behind the attack, said John Hammond of the security firm Huntress Labs. He said the criminals targeted a software supplier called Kaseya, using its network-management package as a conduit to spread the ransomware through cloud-service providers. Other researchers agreed with Hammond’s assessment.


“Kaseya handles large enterprise all the way to small businesses globally, so ultimately, (this) has the potential to spread to any size or scale business,” Hammond said in a direct message on Twitter. “This is a colossal and devastating supply chain attack.”


It was not immediately clear how many Kaseya customers might be affected or who they might be. Kaseya urged customers in a statement on its website to immediately shut down servers running the affected software. It said the attack was limited to a “small number” of its customers.


Hammond of Huntress said he was aware of four managed-services providers — companies that host IT infrastructure for multiple customers — being hit by the ransomware, which encrypts networks until the victims pay off attackers. He said thousand of computers were hit.


“We currently have three Huntress partners who are impacted with roughly 200 businesses that have been encrypted,” Hammond said.


Cyberattacks are becoming the norm in Biden’s America.


Last month 60 House offices from both sides of the aisle were hit with a ransomware attack.


In May ransomware hackers targeted the Colonial Pipeline and the world’s largest meat supplier.


Ransomware hackers shut down the Colonial Pipeline, creating gas lines and shortages in Southeastern states.


One-fifth of US beef production was wiped out after JBS paused processing at five of its biggest beef plants which manage a total of 22,500 cattle per day.


Joe Biden’s message to criminals around the world: The US is too weak to stop cyberattacks so go ahead and hack our infrastructure.

Anonymous ID: 654029 July 2, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.14041350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prosecutor Who’s Sued Trump ‘More Than 100 Times’ Set to Become Manhattan’s New District Attorney


Alvin Bragg, a Democratic candidate for Manhattan District Attorney, is all but guaranteed a win in the Friday primary election after his close rival suddenly withdrew. Just days ago, the office brought charges against the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg.


Earlier on Friday, candidate Tali Farhadian Weinstein announced her defeat in the race after absentee ballots she had counted on to put her ahead of Bragg failed to do so. In the run up to the vote, Weinstein trailed Bragg by just 3%, according to the New York Times.


Bragg is a career prosecutor and former chief deputy New York State attorney general, a position in which he has boasted he sued the presidential administration of Donald Trump “more than a hundred times.”


Democrats tend to dominate New York politics, leaving little doubt Bragg will triumph over Republican contender Thomas Kenniff in the November vote.


Earlier this week, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office filed yet another suit against Trump, this time against the Trump Organization, a massive conglomerate of roughly 500 companies owned by Donald Trump, half of which bear his name. He handed off leadership of the company to his children when he became US President in 2017, but questions about his relationship to the corporation and its ties to his administration plagued his four-year presidency, which ended in January 2021.


The July 1 indictment accuses the Trump Organization of a “sweeping and audacious tax evasion scheme” for 15 years dating back to 2005. It brings 15 counts against CFO Weisselberg, including fraud, grand larceny, falsification of business records and conspiracy.


Because of the incredible density of wealthy people and corporate headquarters in Manhattan, the city’s DA is always someone of immense power. However, the office only handles alleged violations of New York state law; the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York presses cases against alleged breakers of federal law.


“We’re also talking about the gun-trafficking issues, the scope of the entire system and the collateral consequences,” Bragg told the NYT. “It’s all a profound responsibility.”


He is a native of Harlem and a graduate of Howard Law School in Washington, DC, where he also attended undergrad. Bragg would be the first black man to hold the position, meaning he would preside over a district that prosecutes more black people than any other racial group. He has pledged to end racial disparities in the system.


“We’re going to demand and deliver on both safety and fairness,” he said earlier this week, according to the Wall Street Journal.


He has pledged to form new units to hold police accountable, that he will review past convictions, and that he will decouple convictions as a measure of success. To counterbalance this, he says he will focus more energy on prosecuting white-collar crime.


“The need for reform in our office’s policies and practices is urgent,” a document outlining his plans states. “It is critical that the changes described in this memorandum take effect immediately.”

Anonymous ID: 654029 July 2, 2021, 8:14 p.m. No.14041362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1419 >>1525 >>1539

Fentanyl Seizures At Southern US Border Spike 4000%


President Biden's border crisis has morphed into a drug crisis as Mexican cartels have taken over parts of the southern border. These criminal gangs are pumping record amounts of fentanyl across the border and contributing to a spike in drug overdose deaths.


According to NBC News, US Border Patrol agents seized 4000% more fentanyl this year than in 2018. Biden's relaxed immigration policies have allowed cartels and illegal aliens to overrun parts of the border. Agents have so far seized 41 pounds of fentanyl in 2021, compared with nine pounds in all of 2020, two pounds in 2019, and one pound in 2018.


NBC's data is primarily focused on seizures between land port of entries, such as in the open desert.


"For the first time, we're starting to see these tactics where fentanyl is being smuggled between ports of entry," Chief Border Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez said. "Cartels are very creative. They find ways to intimidate migrants and find ways to illegally have them transport that narcotic into the United States."


Forty-one pounds doesn't seem like a lot of drugs, but keep in mind the powerful narcotic is 80-100 times stronger than morphine, and just one kilogram, or about 2.2 pounds, can potentially kill 500,000 people. Do the math, and the seizure so far this year is strong enough to kill approximately 9.3 million Americans.


Drug Enforcement Administration agents tell NBC that fentanyl has become the drug of choice for cartels to smuggle into the US because it's easy to transport and very profitable.


At land ports, fentanyl and meth seizures are also up 719% and 781%, respectively. Cartels are flooding the deadly drug at every possible opening on the southern border, and Biden's broken border policies make it possible.


A shocking 90,722 overdose deaths were reported in the US through November 2020. If the trajectory continues, overdoses this year could surpass last year's figures. The virus pandemic intensified the drug crisis (read: here & here) as millions of people lost their jobs and the economy plunged into a recession. Still, millions are without jobs and are spiraling down a deep hole of drugs and alcohol. On top of this all, Biden's failed border policies to undo former President Trump's strict border security had made the drug and immigration crisis many times worse.


Tragically, this dangerous situation playing out at the southern border was very predictable. Republicans may use Biden's failed border policies against Democrats for the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential elections.


This week, a billionaire Republican and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem were able to fund a future deployment of the state's National Guard to the border as Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has frequently fought the Biden administration about their lousy job protecting Americans from cartels and illegal aliens.