maybe the problem is that you're trying to get a job instead of starting your own business. you'd be surprised how easy it is. start unlearning all that crap you've been taught and just do something valuable to someone else.
I spent $1200 and built my own powder coating oven. I estimate I could easily clear $4K/mo. working half time.
Learn stuff. Do things. Talk to people and see what they need.
Don't believe anyone who tells you you can't. Do your own research and figure out how hard things are to do. You'll find they're not hard. It just takes determination and work.
I go a step further. I look to these fuckers like I'm doing nothing interesting. Couldn't be further from the truth.
There are ways to do things that are incredibly corrosive to their structure without any possibility of a counter-attack.
>What do you use the oven for?
I use the powder coating oven for powder coating.
You might want to look it up.
>people need this service?
TONS of shit is powder coated. You see these items every day and you're not aware of it.
Yes, and most powder coaters are charging stupid amounts of money, they're bad at it, etc.
You know all those custom rims idiots put on their gay-ass cars? All of them are powder coated.
>breaks the trust we just built, if you know what I mean.
If you trust an anonymous person on the internet, you have to go back and learn how to think before you continue.
Notice how fewer and fewer companies are doing chrome. That's because they don't want chrome plating to be as well known as it has been historically. Could it have something to do with the physics of Chromium? (I think yes.)
Quiet can be very impactful.
>The modern programming languages being pushed by big tech are overly complex monstrosities which are meant to hamper our technological development.
This anon is correct.
>Object Oriented Programming is a deep state effort to foist over complexity upon the programming world. Java, C++, Rust, Ojbective C, C#. The absurdity that data directly should be tied to function leads them to continually add functionality to solve problems that using objects itself creates.
I disagree with this, but the point anon is making is largely correct. OOP can be done well, but it isn't in the modern industry. I will do everything in my power in the future to change this. OOP can make a language safe, but only if the language is carefully designed and not destroyed by asshattery.
>The best programming languages are the ones which are the simplest and without objects.
Although I generally agree with most of what anon said, the belief that object orientation is somehow universally bad is naive.
>C for example, is a perfectly fine language;
I'm just going to flat out disagree with you.