Expat anon here. I read something posted here a few days ago that had more of a profound impact on me than it seemed at first.
SomeAnon posted a piece from one of the blogs about how a young Joe Biden in 1975 had blocked funding for an honorable withdrawal of the US pullout in vietnam during the Fall of Saigon. The piece explained how President Ford had had to basically beg funds from churches and independent sources to rescue innocents and troops who were about to be slaughtered. How the committee Biden was on, in that case aligned with pro Chinese interests, because anything hurting Republicans in the runup to an election year was a winning strategy for them. How he was carrying water for the CCP even back then.
Anon was a '70s kid. Even though I know the Cabal strategy has been a long time coming, I hold out a certain innocent nostalgia for those decades. I mark the beginning of modern fuckery at 1963, becoming full blown by the time of Iran Contra. But this exposure of Biden's agenda in 1975 really affected me somehow. Even those innocent days were not innocent. We were in the pre-digital era without Big Brother oversight….yet even then we were in the grip of the Cabal. I like to tell myself it was really 2001 and the Patriot Act that cemented their power over us, but that isn't true is it?
Looking at this Biden revelation makes me realize we weren't even free in the 1950's, given all the 3-letter fuckery during that decade. And wind the clock back to 1911 to realize we haven't been free financially since then. It is hard to know who to even be angry at, or what to even attempt doing other than to wake as many people up as possible.
So I gotta admit some wistfulness. I'm sitting here in my abode enjoying a nice afternoon breeze after a Biblical thunderstorm (Hory shit it was loud). Sipping a Pilsen and listening to Supertramp. Reflecting on how it feels like we must have had a timeline shift sometime in the 90s for everything to have become this HAYWIRE.
But there is a shiny spark that came of this week's musings. I say this more to you younger Anons: the course of events is already set. I no longer even need to follow the daily headlines, or get outraged by the latest injustice. We are living out 1984 or 'V for Vendetta', effectively. The police state is tightening its noose. The only thing that can alter the balance, short of Christ Jesus and the Heavenly army, is for us to throw off our oppressors. And that starts with the ability to communicate freely and exchange ideas. Forget about hoping in election recounts, or some special-ops teams working behind the scenes. Rescue of our country isn't coming unless it comes from us.
No wonder they try so hard to shut us down and paint us as extremists. For all the talk of the last 4 years, I have yet to see any of the secure comms platforms that were discussed. As that noose tightens, you (we) are going to lose the ability to coordinate and communicate. You think they won't legislate away ammunitions and firearms? Think you'll be able to buy food that doesn't kill you, or be able to travel freely without getting injected?
The Reset is coming. What form it takes would seem to be up to those willing to effect & affect the outcome.