when the fade methodologies were be being foisted upon programmers, and the software 'engineers' were run by Human Resource and by the venture capitalists, the 'tool venders' would switch to a new paradigm all at once, and abandon the old. It was a way to constantly haze the programmers. Most software was not engineered. Software engineering was 'heroics' and 'last minute bravado'. They actually would brag about untested releases and last minute fixes.
they would constantly erode the old paradigms and foist new ones on users.
They moved people into new methods but ignored the content and context.
they forgot to do real engineers.
software engineers were either humiliated or made rich. And no one who knew how to write rock-solid and well engineered code was given much hope. Or they would haze you to give them a brillient product, but fire you after its first revision.
the 'culture' of it was intentionally broken.
you couldn't get a 'coding' job without paying a head hunter 20 percent of your first years salary.
and they wouldn't keep you for more than a year.
they would have pensions that didn't vest for 4 years. Only the priniples in a startup would be there that long. And if you said 'i don't want to put into this pension fund, I'll never see the match' they'd put your name onto the next RIF.
it goes on and on.