Anonymous ID: 1194ad July 3, 2021, 7:20 a.m. No.14043563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There's different levels of knowing

A Vet with whom I communicated said they suspected 9/11 was government run.

The informant couldn't take the leap to "conviction" i.e. being convinced;

Even though all the evidence is right there out in the open.

But the Vet said if it was ever corroborated he would personally go to Bush's place in TEXAS to sort it out.

( "They won't be able to walk the streets")

So there's different levels of knowing, especially when there's an emotional reason to deny.

it could be too much to processemotionally.

The subconscious or not so subconscious knowledge of all that could correlate with the high Veteran suicide rate and homelessness rate.

One of the greatest things DJT did was to give respect, one again, to the fighting men./ woman. families


It difficult for one who loves our Constitution and the promise of America to process it; even if one was relatively unscathed by their demonic control system.


anon can only imagine what it is for those who have been physically injured or who've lost loved ones.
