>we made something boring, cold, and sterile for the internet
I'm sure it's gonna be yuge.
>we made something boring, cold, and sterile for the internet
I'm sure it's gonna be yuge.
Your first pic says "anyone using this phrase is creating a cia fed clown narrative".
In your third pic you yourself use the phrase to push a narrative.
I want to tell you something, I mean it sincerely: you are an incompetent person. You have sub-normal ability to realize when you are making a mistake. You are going to get your people shoa'd even harder than they were already going to get shoa'd. Even your mortal enemies pity you and would rather you do anything but continue to make things worse for yourself.
You are not harming anon, /pol/ etc with your antics. You never have. You are only harming your own tribe. Anon LET you have the board for the last few years. I personally told any hardcore /pol/ anon that posted here to shut up and let Trump have a chance to fix things.
He didn't. Now it's my turn, and the turn of the others who see you for what you are.
You have fucked up so badly even normies are starting to see it, and you still won't stop.
Anon just sit here watching. You keep wrecking yourself, spontaneously and completely on your own. It's incredible. I've been online a long time and never seen such a spectacle, simlly because of the TREMENDOUS effect this is going to have (already is) on the outside world.
So when we call you retarded, it's not an empty insult, we're actually trying to help you see what a hilariously misguided doofus and those like you are.
Just fyi, rebbe.
I am a muh jew you stupid fucktard, there's quite a lot of them here. This is exactly what I mean. You can't even tell who you're talking to. You can't asses your enemies. You're amazing in all the wrong ways. I know you won't stop and it's great. I can tell you anything, any tactic, and you'll be unable to weaponize it effectively. Just phenomenal.