Title sounds like Storm Troop
No one thinks we re monsters
Why become a monster
Are Body odor and stinky Onion telling anons to become monsters (tht they already are?)
Title sounds like Storm Troop
No one thinks we re monsters
Why become a monster
Are Body odor and stinky Onion telling anons to become monsters (tht they already are?)
check out this from the Board owner
yeah, they are brown shirt / black boots
or playing the role of same
Claims it's "tidying up" by calling anons Kikes and threatening.
Where have we seen that all before?
Right in line with the yellow stars for peeps who don't take the vax.
It's obviously an illiterate? Or just playing the part of one?
Anyway, blatant use of inversion and Alinsky tactics.
Definitely professionals / paid off.
Can't meet opponents on a fair playing field and use the excuse that their position is demonized elsewhere?
So they are given a chance in an open forum, but their position can't survive there, even though they are free of censorship. So they have to censor others
They take on fascist tactics to make it appear they are winning.
Thank goodness Watkins is smart enough to allow VPN
They probably staged the B thing as an excuse to pretend to "Protect the Board"
We never did find out if "Q" trip was disabled when the "troubled admin" (yeah right) deleted the entire board one day.
Watkins is totally naive, Thinks it was just a mistake. Watkins never studied "Q"
There are no coincidences with stuff like deleating our whole board.
Dude actually thought it was done, And the manifesto , yeah sounded total "Storm Trooper"
When it was brought back was the Q trip still operating? Or does it get wiped with a new install?
Dirty Onion can dish it out but can't take it.
Typical bully, apparently
Triggered over tiny slight criticism/ scratch
Ego easily shattered/ fragile?
As far as "slide"
Maybe just filter with your mind
It's easy with practice.
Aren't Jew-Hate memes and anon deletes a slide?
Then why don't you stop it?