had a thought the other night D5
[D]efcon 5
Defcon 5, or condition level five has also been called "Fade Out" or "Blue Alert" and is the lowest or normal state of readiness. Defcon 5, or Fade Out means we are at a complete and total state of peace and have no immediate need to be on a high state of alert.
The alert color for Defcon 5, or "Normal Readiness" is blue. Some mistakenly believe that condition level 5, or Fade Out is the highest state of readiness and that level 1 is the lowest. This has been driven into popularity as a result of movies depicting Defcon 5 as high alert level and condition 1 as normal or peaceful status.
In reality Defcon 5 or 'blue alert' is the lowest level and condition level 1 or 'red alert' is in fact the highest alert condition possible, and the highest state of military readiness.
Defcon 5, being the lowest level of military readiness might mean a total and complete relaxed state such as during peacetime, or Fade Out could mean that intelligence and forces are on a normal state of alert and normal readiness. Taken from Defcon Level Warning System: https://www.defconlevel.com/levels/defcon-5.php