Salvation Is Based On a Solid Foundation
>the lie that certain bloodlines are fundamentally superior.
Their desire to demonstrate their superiority demonstrates their inferiority.
My OAN subscription is paid up.
Their satanic lines (spells) are in everything!
Big Bang Theory joked about human trafficking.
They add a laugh track and it becomes funny to them.
sick sick sick
Exposing them everywhere is our job.
Any complaining when pointing out satanic shit in movies need to WTF up.
Everything needs exposed!
Making them pay (punishing) through the courts, they'll be dead by the time we get around to all of them..
That is their thinking..
They've told us everything they have done and are planning to do in movies and TV.
There is not one thing happening right now that you could not find an earlier reference to in a movie or TV show.
I'd give odds!
Browsing memes and had to post this oldie..
New movies are a joke!
All the good block busters have been turned into (chink) Japanimation crap.
Every thing turned into a comic book with ridiculous special effects.
>Appreciate your input on exposing old Hollywood films.
The only reason I posted was because those FAGS above were complaining about "gore" etc..
"Welcome to the real world Neo.."
Maybe we're just not getting it?
This Liberal Utopia sounds great!
I mean.. Birdies flyijn around with ribbons in their mouths.. Everyone singing Kumbaya.
But this damn little voice of common sense in my head keeps screaming at me though.
I was hoping Dr. B. Gates worked out that Gmat-2 Gene therapy and was going to fix that for us.
Maybe these Spike Proteins will shed onto me and relieve me of all my toxic masculinity?
That will be the first thing I get!!!
what nose?
Muh collection
If we could only IMPLANT that into every Commie head!
Stupid shit makes me laugh too.