>crying like a bitch about fascists/fascism
>literally antifa
>totally anon just like you.jpg
>crying like a bitch about fascists/fascism
>literally antifa
>totally anon just like you.jpg
>certain black americans who have turned violent against white americans
absolute pottery with you faggots today
>a white guy and black guy fight while the jew watches
it's a real patrick swayze episode of pottery making on this fine day
the amount of spin these board jews put on shit is like that of a dreidel
makes for a good comedy though even if it is tragic
looks like a fake and gay breitbart headline
didn't find sauce but would absolutely not be surprised if they did it
there's a meme for everything if one looks long enough
give it time
they're busy trying to cover their ass on the election fraud right now and aren't very good at multi tasking
it's an ongoing battle