Anonymous ID: 6038ca July 3, 2021, 11:38 a.m. No.14044952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4965





last nite rec'd HIGHLY suspicious thru an email acct i have at U of Pgh. got 3 separate copies, sent from 3 pitt student emails accts. each has identical pdf attachment (see image). claims to be from someone working for UNICEF (small red flag), offering part-time employment that pays $167/hr (huge red flag) for simply procuring items on her behalf (gigantic red flag). says they got my name/email from HR as a student potentially seeking employment (another red flag because i am NOT a student at pitt. i only have a tangential association with the university that happens to include a pitt email acct). the names of the three student email accts that sent the msg are:

Mohammadzadeh, Alireza <

Lekshmi Narayanan, Arun Balajiee <

Alaryan, Ali Sh A A H <

(which also raises another red flag for me. sorrynotsorry if i'm guilty of "profiling.")


this reeks of subversive covert activity. i'd report it to the FBI, except that i don't trust the FBI. so i'm posting this here and asking if any autists with greater skilz than i can do some digs on these students and this person who allegedly works for UNICEF.

Anonymous ID: 6038ca July 3, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.14045300   🗄️.is 🔗kun







ffs, not this shit AGAIN.NOT notable!

pseudoscience technobabble BULLSHIT. poster too illiterate to understand his own copy/pasta.

thoroughly debunked junk science. ask yourself some simple questions…

IF it were true, what would be stopping big oil from tapping these "vast" reserves now?

why would they instead be investing HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS in tech to extract a few drops of oil from tar sands?

why does this shill insist on spamming the breads with this shit, over and over and over for the past year+?

EVERY known deposit of oil is located in sedimentary rock formations loaded with fossils.

that's WHY they're called "fossil fuels" ffs. get a CLUE!