Anonymous ID: 6acb5b July 3, 2021, 12:30 p.m. No.14045189   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Remember all those cases after the election? The ones where the Trump side just seemed to throw in the towel and fail to deliver a strong case, when the cases weren't thrown out on standing? And even when they WERE thrown out on standing, Sidney Powell made egregious clerical errors in the filings? It seemed inept, at times. Which the media certainly painted it as at every opportunity. Something didn't sit right with me though… and I think the reason behind a lot of that was lawfare. They were getting the enemy to "expend ammo" so they could learn the playbook, as well as weeding out RINO's. Because the bigger court battles would really be later…. Now. For the real audit.


Playbook known and continuously pressed to reveal.