Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:22 p.m. No.14048205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8221 >>8257 >>8387 >>8813

Poll: Nearly One-Third of Americans Think Health Officials Are Lying About Vaccine Safety



Nearly a third of Americans think health officials are lying about vaccine safety, according to a Rasmussen poll released Friday.


“Distrust of public health officials is higher among the unvaccinated, particularly those who say they don’t plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the future,” according to the poll report.


Thirty-two percent of American adults think public health officials are lying about coronavirus vaccine safety, a number which rises to almost two-thirds among those who do not intended to get the coronavirus vaccine.


Forty-eight percent of Americans do not think health officials are lying and 20 percent are not sure.


Of those surveyed, 63 percent said they had already gotten a coronavirus vaccination and 32 percent had not. More than half of those who have not been vaccinated do not plan to do so in the future.


Among those who have already gotten the COVID-19 vaccine, only 21 percent think public health officials are lying about the safety of vaccines. That number rises to 50 percent, however, among the unvaccinated, while 63 percent of those who say they aren’t vaccinated against coronavirus and don’t plan to get the vaccine in the future believe public health officials are lying about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.


Along party lines, Republicans are nearly twice as likely (44 percent) as Democrats (23 percent) to believe health officials are being dishonest about the coronavirus vaccine. More Democrats than Republicans have already gotten the vaccine, according to the poll.


“Among those who haven’t gotten a coronavirus vaccination yet, 64 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of Democrats and 53 percent of the unaffiliated don’t plan to get vaccinated in the future,” according to the report.


The report comes as information about the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines continue to be obscured by a suspicious origin investigation, big tech censorship, and corporate media neglect.


The survey of 1,000 U.S. American adults was conducted on June 30-July 1, 2021. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.14048227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8387 >>8813

Exxon Lobbyist Caught On Film Saying Company-Backed Carbon Tax "Unlikely To Happen"


It's almost as if the entire ESG push has been one giant case of virtue signaling…


Along those lines, Exxon has been forced to apologize this week after one of its lobbyists was caught on camera saying that a carbon tax the company has been pushing for years is "unlikely to happen", according to Bloomberg.


The lobbyist was caught on video saying: “Nobody is going to propose a tax on all Americans. And the cynical side of me says, ‘Yeah we kind of know that.’ But it gives us a talking point. We can say well what is ExxonMobil for? Well we’re for a carbon tax.”


Exxon CEO Darren Woods came out and said the company was "deeply apologetic" about the comments after a Greenpeace investigator caught lobbyist Keith McCoy making the comments.


Woods said this week: “Comments made by the individuals in no way represent the company’s position on a variety of issues, including climate policy and our firm commitment that carbon pricing is important to addressing climate change.”

Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:26 p.m. No.14048279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8387 >>8813

How China became the big winner of the COVID era


US is buying even more goods from China than it did before the pandemic


When news first broke of the COVID lockdown in Wuhan, the initial prediction was: The virus will cripple the economy of China, which is the engine of global trade, and that will be terrible for the shipping business.


Eighteen months and 3.9 million deaths later, the pandemic has had the opposite effect. Ships are full and, ironically, the country where the outbreak began has seen the biggest and broadest economic upside.


Chinese exports are now much higher than they were before the outbreak, courtesy of pandemic-induced changes in consumer behavior and COVID-driven fiscal stimulus from the world’s governments.


The only major economy to grow in 2020 was China’s. GDP growth continued in Q1 2021. Business is at an all-time high for Chinese liner operators, shipyards and container-equipment factories.


U.S. demand for Chinese exports is increasingly urgent as sales continue to offset inventory rebuilds. Trade has revved up in the opposite direction, as well: China is buying more American soybeans, crude oil, propane and natural gas.

Pandemic boosts Chinese trade


Nerijus Poskus, vice president of global ocean at Flexport, recently told American Shipper, “Back in 2020, if you’d asked 100 economists what would happen when COVID first hit China, all of them would have probably said that economies will go down, consumption will go down and prices for shipping will fall. Well, all of them would have been wrong.”


Very wrong: China’s export value in January-May averaged $247.5 billion per month, up 29% from January-May 2019, pre-COVID, according to the country’s customs data.


As more goods are going out, supporting container-shipping demand, more raw materials and commodities are coming in, employing tankers, bulkers and gas carriers. China’s import value averaged $206.8 billion per month in January-May, up 25% from the same period in 2019.

Turning trade into even more business


When demand for ocean transport surges, so too does demand for shipbuilding, container manufacturing and global liner operations. The U.S. has virtually no presence in these sectors. China is the world leader in the first two and a major force in the third.


As of Jan. 1, 2020, pre-COVID, Chinese shipyards had commercial orders totaling 29.8 million compensated gross tons (CGT), according to U.K.-based valuation and data provider VesselsValue. At that point, China — which was already the world’s largest shipbuilding nation — accounted for 38.7% of the global orderbook.



Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:31 p.m. No.14048346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8359

Pentagon Approves New Embassy-Based Military Command for Afghanistan


The Pentagon expects the 'withdrawal' to be completed by the end of August


On Friday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has approved a new military command structure that will be based out of the US embassy in Kabul, which will oversee Afghanistan operations after most US combat troops leave the country.


The new embassy-based military office, dubbed Forces Afghanistan-Forward, will be headed by Navy Rear Admiral Peter Vasely. The US has tried to portray its plans to keep troops at its embassy in Kabul as only for security purposes. But Pentagon spokesman John Kirby described what sort of operations the new office will oversee, which goes beyond guarding the embassy.


“That presence will remain focused on four things over the course of the coming period. One, protecting our diplomatic presence in the country. Two, supporting security requirements at Hamid Karzai International Airport. Three, continued advice and assistance to Afghan National Defense and Security Forces as appropriate. And four, supporting our counterterrorism efforts,” Kirby said.


Kirby said the embassy office would be supported by another Afghanistan office that will be established in Qatar. Under the plan, the authority to bomb Afghanistan will be transferred from the top US commander in the country, Gen. Scott Miller, to Gen. Frank McKenzie, the head of US Central Command. Airstrikes in Afghanistan will be carried out by warplanes based outside of the country, mostly in the Gulf region, what the Pentagon has dubbed “over the horizon capability.”


Although nothing has been confirmed, reports say the US plans to leave 650 troops at the embassy. The US embassy in Kabul is a sprawling 36-acre compound and has the room to host thousands of people. That means besides troops, there could also be CIA or civilian contractors that don’t need to have a declared presence.


The US might also leave some troops to help Turkey control the Hamid Karzai International Airport, which is also in Kabul. The US sees control of the airport as key to its post-withdrawal plans, and Washington and Ankara are working out an agreement that would keep the approximately 500 Turkish troops at the airport that are currently guarding it.


Recent media reports said the bulk of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan would be completed by July 4th. But both the Pentagon and the White House said on Friday the drawdown would probably be done by the end of August.


“We currently expect it to be completed by the end of August. So, as you know, the president decided to withdraw remaining US troops from Afghanistan and finally end the US war there after 20 years,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday.


While Psaki said President Biden wants to remove all “remaining troops,” it’s clear based on the fact that Austin approved a new military command for Afghanistan that troops will stay. The plan will fuel more violence since the Taliban will view it as a clear violation of the Doha agreement that called for all foreign forces to leave Afghanistan.

Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:32 p.m. No.14048373   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#ProtectTheChildren: A Critical Lawsuit for Life


Frontline Films™ from presents: #ProtectTheChildren, a powerful short film and a critical campaign exposing the dangerous lack of proper risk assessment and missing long term safety data that makes the recent fervent push to inoculate children so incredibly reckless and unethical.

Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:40 p.m. No.14048504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813

Updates on the Fight to End Water Fluoridation


Story at-a-glance


– Paul Connett, executive director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), provides promising updates on the historic lawsuit that FAN filed against the U.S. EPA to end water fluoridation.


– The judge hearing the case plans to review two things before making a decision: the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) final review on fluoride’s neurotoxicity when it comes out, along with a benchmark dose study (BMD) that was recently published on fluoride’s effects on IQ levels.


– This landmark study found that a maternal urine fluoride concentration of 0.2 mg/L, which is exceeded four to five times in pregnant women living in fluoridated communities, was enough to lower IQ in children by one point.


– A Swedish study published in April 2021 found that rates of hip fractures among postmenopausal women were higher in regions with higher levels of fluoride in drinking water.


– The level of evidence that fluoride is neurotoxic now far exceeds the evidence that was in place when lead was banned from gasoline.


If you’re concerned about the health effects of fluoride, please support FAN with your tax-deductible donation today; will match your donation, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000, during Fluoride Awareness Week



Anonymous ID: a72784 July 3, 2021, 6:42 p.m. No.14048548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594 >>8813

Amazon Uses Artificial Intelligence To Terminate Delivery Drivers


A Bloomberg report details how artificial intelligence systems employed by Amazon have hired and fired contract drivers.


Called "Flex," Amazon uses AI to determine how many drivers are needed for deliveries. The app, installed on drivers' smartphones, measures whether they delivered packages on time and followed customers' special requests.


If a driver misses the mark, they are subjected to an automatic firing.


That's exactly what happened to Stephen Normandin, 63, an Army veteran who Flex recently fired. He said algorithms tracked his every move as he delivered packages around the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.


Normandin said Amazon unfairly punished him for things way beyond his control - such as locked apartment complexes. He said every job he's "given 110%," but the algorithm failed to see external factors that may affect deliveries.


"This really upset me because we're talking about my reputation. They say I didn't do the job when I know damn well I did," he said.


At the world's largest e-commerce retailer, algorithms are the boss, hiring and firing and monitoring hundreds of thousands of workers with hardly any human oversight.


Flex began operations in 2015 as a way for Amazon to get its packages out the same day to regional customers. Here's more from Bloomberg:


But the moment they sign on, Flex drivers discover algorithms are monitoring their every move. Did they get to the delivery station when they said they would? Did they complete their route in the prescribed window? Did they leave a package in full view of porch pirates instead of hidden behind a planter as requested? Amazon algorithms scan the gusher of incoming data for performance patterns and decide which drivers get more routes and which are deactivated. Human feedback is rare. Drivers occasionally receive automated emails, but mostly they're left to obsess about their ratings, which include four categories: Fantastic, Great, Fair, or At Risk. -Bloomberg


Bloomberg interviewed 15 Flex drivers who allege a robot wrongfully terminated them. They say there's no way to dispute their firing as Flex is entirely automated. One can appeal through arbitration, but that costs $200. Amazon knows delegating human resource work to machines is cheaper and more efficient.