Anonymous ID: b9e033 May 14, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.1405237   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Allow me to explain to idiots recent events and how politics operate.

A politician is little more then a puppet for lobbyists who they take money from which by the way is legal bribery in a nutshell. The politician, lawmaker or governor etc then look after the lobbyist ensuring their interests are looked after. In return they give them $$ and a lot of it, lobbyists regularly include people from overseas such a Chinese businesses or European special interest groups, Saudis etc. You will learn that Trump himself is a lobbyist and has lobbied for politicians in Europe, Qatar, Britain etc. Prior to being elected he has business and interests in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia etc. In other words he's like the 1% of the 1%. These people can organise massive marches and protests and that drop of hat because of how much money they have, they also own entire media such as Rupert Murdoch and Jeff Bezos.


Now imagine you are a politician who doesn't come through(Hillary) and doesn't do what the lobbyists want. You could end up killing yourself or dying of drug overdose(187). Other situation is you just pay them back. So a politician can be controlled one of two ways, lobbying(bribery) or the second which is more effective blackmail. Lobbyists acquire dirt on you or merely invent it and blackmail you with it and if you don't they smear you with their media or hand over what they have to police or again they can simply put out a 187.


So they actual villains are the companies and businesses, businessmen, and special interest groups that lobby for their purpose which is often not beneficial to the population.

Anonymous ID: b9e033 May 14, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.1405241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5272



Part 2.


Trump and Russia


For the better part of 50 years POTUS has been dealing with and been involved with these individuals

and groups, he knows how they operate because he is one of them essentially. He has countless private

equities and dealings both in the USA and outside. He own many properties and business both in and

outside the USA, he's had dealings in Moscow, HongKong, London and many others. Alll of this is legal

by the way and trying to prove otherwise would be damn near impossible. People of this level of influence

and wealth don't live or operate like us so I'm trying my best to make people understand that everyone

essentially knows everyone………


Which leads me next to the Russian probe. Proving collusion is pretty much impossible, even if Trump took

money from lobbyists in Russia it's still legal. If those lobbyists ran media or advertising and then using

facebook or ads then promoted Trump this is still also legal. This pretty much what Rupert Murdoch is doing

for Trump right now. If laws were instituted that blocked this sort of thing nobody in Washington would be

innocent. Unless it can be proven that POTUS paid or got paid explicitly to tamper in the elections, actually

fixing it(like the dems do)and changing votes then it's not illegal. By the way regardless of if they are Russian

or not fixing an election is illegal. So the Russia investigation is a red herring and always has been.>>1405237

Anonymous ID: b9e033 May 14, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.1405272   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Part 3.


Cohen etc.


We now move on to Cohen and his investigation which we now know is separate as it has been handed over to SDNY and is no long being investigated by Mueller. We recently learn due to leaks that Cohen was being paid by various companies(lobbyists) specifically AT & T for 'insight' into Trump. Which the companies state is legal and that they are cooperating with the investigation and then for some reason one of the top CEOs resigns……..Weird. Why would these companies none of which lobbied for Trump be trying to hire one of his personal lawyer for so called insight? If they wanted to legally bribe Trump and get him to allow their big merger they would have just lobbied for him giving his campaign or charity big $$. As you know Trump sued to end the merger which will probably be upheld and cost AT & T some serious $. So why hire Cohen???? I will tell you why, the media is trying to spin this and has been spinning everything the special counsel has done to make it look like Russia/Trump and it's not. AT & T was hiring Cohen to get dirt on POTUS to attempt to blackmail him. Cohen is taking a plea deal and grassing on them which is why there was a resignation. Another note is who leaked the bank info of Cohen?? SDNY? No. Only two parties have the private bank info, SDNY and the companies(lobbyists) who paid him. So who leaked it? The companies did in an attempt to try and spin it to cover their ass.