listen is the easy way imo
not easy to listen sometimes ime
>We hope you have learned.
Anons learning on the fly doing something never trained for or thought to do b4 waking up
not like fake woke but like 'whoa, fake news and fake leaders have USALL on the edge of socialism and communism; i better learn who can be trusted and who needs to go [RINOs leave NOW]
>Are you ready for the next steps?
nope but i(we) am prepared to adapt
Did you listen tonight? Do you understand what is coming?
we listened, we will listen again to find what is coming
>Timing is everything.
oh man i hope Anons hit there mark smoothly, GO ANONS!
>Be sure to Watch.
wrist Watch?
Watch the water?
South China Seas? (hi Pirate)
haha, let the games (that are not games) begin
work together Quickly Anons; ty