Anonymous ID: 95f88e July 4, 2021, 4:18 a.m. No.14051256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1335

>>14051105 (pb)

Now that I think about it more, it's more likely that Trump referring to the Spanish Flu that broke out in 1918 by saying 1917 because it was developed in the U.S. in 1917 and used for the jewish 'depopulation' agenda, just like HIV/AIDS was likely developed in the U.S. (the only country with the resources to develop it) and used to depopulate Africa, as covid-19 and any other 'pandemic' could only have been developed in the U.S., at least until recently.


There has to be a lot of epidemiologists and virologists that question how HIV could spread so quickly and suddenly, if it is mainly only transmitted by blood, but not wanting to be slandered and sued, or suicided, they keep quiet.


I also think that the phrase 'gain-of-function' was something never to be actually known by the greater population, as it would show that governments, such as 'democratic' America, are developing weapons for indiscriminate mass murder.

Anonymous ID: 95f88e July 4, 2021, 4:28 a.m. No.14051279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


didn't even know to answer if he wanted the receipt.


Why would Russia care to conduct cyber attacks towards the U.S.?


The only country benefiting from the attacks is israel, because they want global instability to create their anti-humanity nwo one world government, and China, because they are in a trade war with the U.S. because of the nwo one world government (((marxists))).

Anonymous ID: 95f88e July 4, 2021, 4:38 a.m. No.14051309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1314


Listening to Ryan Dawson talking about the American Civil War has had me understand that 'history' is what people are forced to accept as true no matter how illogical because they otherwise are called 'racists', just as they are called 'climate change deniers' for questioning the climate hoax, or 'holocoster deniers' for questioning the heinous lie that is the 'holocaust'.


'History' then starts to resemble the bullshit that jews tell, and that other are just to 'accept', when jews say that 'not-satan' told them to mutilate their infants' genitals because they needed to get israel and shekels.

Anonymous ID: 95f88e July 4, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.14051613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1620 >>1691


beef liver can taste bad/horrible, if it oxidizes (I think), which happens quite quickly if stored at the wrong temperatures, and might be why so many are averse to it


if you ever find frozen grass fed beef liver, it could change your mind, since it is delicious, and apparently super healthy

Anonymous ID: 95f88e July 4, 2021, 6 a.m. No.14051656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1854


I loved pan fried beef and onions at a kid, born in the late 80's.


I'm going 100% carnivore, not sure I have ever felt so satiated from food ever before. Liver, suet, bone broth, and grass fed beef, with non-plastic contaminated salt, perfect combo so far.


And it will help me avoid many of the molds, bacteria, and health problems that grow on sugar, and the consequences of plant toxins and added pesticides.


Vitamin C there is enough of in meat, evidently, and calcium you get from bone broths and whatever you end up eating of the softened bones. Might be good to go with eating of softened lamb bones as they will probably have the least possible amount of heavy metal content.


When the cabal is defeated, I hope I'll end up having land for cows to graze on.