Happy 4th of July, OSS.
May God bless you this day, and forever.
Did you get into the sermon anymore?
It's such good spiritual meat. I hope it's as edifying for you as it was for me.
I also hope you're enjoying how Catholic St. Augustine was, kek.
I definitely hear you. You're doing God's work on the front lines. Lord knows I'm not up to the garbage you deal with all the time, and I honestly thank you for what you're doing.
Ask me how I know you're a kike shill?
>You don't know anything. All you know how to do is lie and project your lies onto others.
I'm pretty sure you got it right the first time.
>You've already lost this battle, you're just too blind to see it.
Agree. May God have mercy on your soul, and unharden your heart to let you see the Truth.
>Apostolic succession, they claim me be apostles but are false.
At least you admit you deny the Niceno-Constantinople Creed, and thus aren't a Christian. That makes things very easy.
>Your hero Hitler was a puppet kek.
Hitler was as much of a loser as you are. A kike puppet who brought about the destruction of the German people. Pray God doesn't do the same to you and your family for your heresy.