Moves and counter moves.
Moves and counter moves.
That was the best. I remember when Graham was so po'd cause he had to change is C#. EPIC trolling/doxing.
No Name is losing it. Life in GTMO → You can't handle the truth!
No doubt. The bell is tolling for the Mooslim Bro-hood (including Hussein). I wonder if Huma will arkancide? She's part of (((their))) core.
My sister went through a trial of this at Duke U about 10 years ago. They 'clean' your blood supply through centrifuging it and you go through this process for a week. She ended up succumbing to the cancer anyway. RIP sis', I love you.
Neither anon. Like Q says; think logically. More and more chatter about pandemic crisis. That would be easier to orchestrate.
Nice. But the A-10 is a beast!