Wow…thats pretty far gone….too bad some people just want to hate
So if Israel is such a great Ally why didnt President Trump attend?
Take your meds retard
Not at all…you should read this though
Read the scripyures and understand them for yourself. Christians have been misled so many times throughut history espescially "Judeo Christians". I find it interesting when Evangelicals joke about new Crusades. The first peoples Crusaders slaughtered were Jews….
Did someone mention the Supreme court of Israel in Jerusalem
Its Noetic World Order
They will enforce Noachide Law so they can behead Idolaters…They consider Christians Idolaters
Fucking faggot Kushner…invoking the Holohoax…typical dumb fucking kike
6 quadrillion….Goy…dont be so mean
We all know why…one law for them one law for us
Its not Christianity…its the Heretical "Judeo" Christianity that cucked the west
Christians have slaughtered millions in the name of God for 1500 years
The JIDF shill wont answer my question about Noachide Law