Anonymous ID: 9fd51b May 14, 2018, 5:16 a.m. No.1405790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410

Old Corsi dirt?



▪Obama Nation Author Jerome Corsi’s Racist History Exposed▪


~How a racist, conspiratorial crank became the Republican attack machine's anti-Obama point man.~


By Max Blumenthal

AUGUST 20, 2008


Corsi’s success represents the apotheosis of a long, strange trip from the furthest shores of the right into the national spotlight. During George W. Bush’s first term, Corsi was a little-known financial services marketing specialist. In 1995, according to the Boston Globe, he coaxed twenty people into a shadowy investment venture in Poland that ultimately lost them a total of $1.2 million. “It ruined my career in the brokerage business, and it was a sad story for a lot of people,” said Bradley Amundson, one of those enlisted into Corsi’s bungled scheme. The FBI opened an investigation but never filed any charges.


Corsi had dabbled off-and-on the fringes of conservative backlash politics for nearly three decades. In his spare time, which he appeared to have lots of, Corsi busied himself at his computer, firing off opinions on the far-right website Free Republic, marked by their sexual and racial obsessions.


In a comment typical of the dozens he posted under the handle “jrlc,” Corsi wrote, “Anybody ask why HELLary couldn’t keep BJ Bill satisfied? Not lesbo or anything, is she?” In another, he ranted, “Isn’t the Democratic Party the official SODOMIZER PROTECTION ASSOCIATION of AMERICA–oh, I forgot, it was just an accident that Clintoon’s [sic] first act in office was to promote ‘gays in the military.’ RAGHEADS are Boy-Bumpers as clearly as they are Women-Haters–it all goes together.”


Then he composed Unfit For Command, suddenly vaulting into best-sellerdom. Surrounded by the media buzz of talk radio and Fox News, Corsi no longer plied the seamy troll-zones of the right-wing blogosphere. Overnight, he had become a conservative folk hero. But as Bush’s popularity waned during his second term, Corsi’s star dimmed. He tried to reignite it by….



Anonymous ID: 9fd51b May 14, 2018, 5:36 a.m. No.1405852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5988

The guy's not trustworthy and a serial B.S. artist who'll say ANYTHING for a dollar.



Corsi went into banking and finance in 1981.[19] In 1995 he helped launch a mutual fund to invest in formerly Communist Poland after the fall of the Soviet Union, which eventually lost $1.2 million, much of it from a group of about 20 Minnesota investors.[20][21] Some of the investors blamed the organizers, including Corsi, for their investment in the former Communist country. Two investors sued Corsi and his partners, claiming that the organizers had given their personal guarantee backing up the investment, and won judgments against them.[20] They did not collect from Corsi, because, (((as one investor claimed, the money "had been moved into his wife's name)))… There was nothing to get out of him".[20] The FBI found no basis for bringing criminal charges.[20]

