Anonymous ID: b33953 John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica tripaland / Antarctica trip May 14, 2018, 4:40 a.m. No.1405719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5732 >>5915 >>5950 >>6103

Some anons were wondering about which Kiwis were at the Nov 2016 Kerry-NZ/Antarctica trip meeting(s) many breads ago so I decided to give it a go.


This is my infographic of the oh so quickly arranged, spur of the moment, completely unscheduled meeting between Mr John Kerry and Mr Murray McCully the NZ (National) Minister of Foreign affairs and Trade (MFAT) and top NZ GCSB (FVEY) / Communications Ministers. It is of course the day of Mr Donald Trumps victory over HRC to become President elect and a bloody damn good day as far as I’m concerned! What could they all be discussing so urgently?


Basically it appears to be a specific FVEY – Five Eyes meeting most probably about their Trump spying campaign and collected data.


I have yet to do the second official meeting that includes our then Prime Minister Sir John Key which again includes the Honourable Mr McCully and the Honourable Ms Adams but has a completely different ‘feel’ or look to it. When I do I’ll post it with a breakdown of his trip and the major players involved, as far as I can determine that is.


Notice that the spooks have remained in place and held their positions for this meeting in November 2016 and the May 2018 HRC visit despite a change in government from National (Sir John Key) to Labour (Ms Jacinda Ardern).


Both the hard core capitalist Key and committed socialist Ardern are very ‘sympathetic’ to not only Hussein but HRC as well because they’re basically the Uniparty. The Cabal is everywhere in NZ. I expect even more of the evil filth will make there way here as things heat up over the next little while. Gollum is eagerly awaiting Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


See the DeceptionBytes image for what looks to be an accurate breakdown of the FVEY clearances issue. Applies to all FVEY countries it would seem.



March 10-11 Q-DROP: Don't FALL for DIS-INFO! (PART ONE)

Start at 52.50

She may say more in Part Two.


Other relevant NZ posts in -






NEW ZEALAND INFO - Re-posting older posts Anonymous


NEW ZEALAND - Older re-posts
