#13023753 at 2021-02-22 19:29:08 (UTC+1)
Q Research General #16587: Happy Birthday George Washington Edition
>>13023040 (pb)
>Justice Thomas Blisters Court on Rejecting Election Cases
This is good, anons. Instead of kicking the 2020 Election can down the road and any delaying consideration of the merits of the ABSOLUTE PROOF of massive election fraud, much the same way disgraced DS 'yes man' Emmet Sullivan did with Gen Flynn's case, [they] have removed any and all arguments that the U.S. Military should not act, or shouldn't have acted, unilaterally to rectify the most massive election fraud perpetrated against POTUS Trump and the American People. SCOTUS's treasonous actions to side-step its clear duty under the Constitution in rejecting these cases, as well as rejecting those election cases timely brought before it before the sham inauguration, remove ALL doubt that POTUS Trump ,and others aligned with him, have EXHAUSTED ALL REMEDIES under the Constitution to rectify the most massive and treasonous election fraud in U.S. history.
The leadership of the U.S. Military, which carried out the plan for the temporary devolution of total civil control of our Government to themselves with smooth precision in the most covert manner possible, may now rest assured that they took this decision in complete Good Faith knowing that they alone represented the LAST option to support and defend the Constitution and to preserve the Republic.