Anonymous ID: 790790 July 5, 2021, 3:56 a.m. No.14058241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8258 >>8315 >>8393

I just had a light bulb moment. Anon posted about how new information can change your perceptions of the past.


If the COVID-19 jab bioweapon IS a bioweapon and it is called a "vaccine" does this mean that many/all previous "vaccine" rollouts on a mass scale were designed with similar intent even if participants in delivering the "shots" were unaware.


We know global "health" types have rolled out sterilizing "tetanus" injections, for example.


Now consider ALL the other shot campaigns, military jabs, etc. all the way back to the Dr. Frederick Gates "anti-meningococcal" vaccine campaign on Kansas military recruits that seems to have kicked off "the Spanish flu".


What do we have here? All other previous vaccine roll-outs were tolerated because most people believed the shots were fundamentally at a least intended to prevent a serious or costly illness.


What if all the other injections were simply various experiments in order to continue producing effective weapons of genocide?




The only shots that MIGHT not be bad would be ones that a person, individually with informed consent takes for an application specific to them. For example, a farmer takes a tetanus jab knowing he might develop anti-phospholipid syndrome but gauges his occupational exposure to tetanus warrants the injection.


Now we can generalize further: ALL mass medication efforts (from fluoride to vaccines) are potentially population control mechanisms.

Anonymous ID: 790790 July 5, 2021, 4:06 a.m. No.14058269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8284 >>8294




Remember when someone maybe Jimmy Kimmel (not 100% sure) said that babies could not be vaccinated because they couldn't give consent? He was apparently joking but I think that is true. Just as infant circumcision is now being rejected, infant vaccination should similarly be rethought. How can anyone cause permanent alterations to another's immune system absent a CURRENT health disorder without their informed consent. I might take a minor to a doctor if they are seriously ill, but to forcibly inject them with toxins under a THEORY that it might prevent an infection is a major violation of their God-given bodily integrity.