It’s only been a few minutes, anon.
The bottle was just opened.
‘If you make authentic elections impossible, you make hard bashing violence inevitable’. Said Someanon.
If the narrative is pretend, it’s a sound suspicion that the ‘missing bodies’ are pretend as well.
If anyanon knows someone in the neighborhood, please please please get them to get down wind, take a deep sniff, and report back. The smell of rot would be… noticeable, so to speak.
And the so-called “Intelligence Community” is mute on the problems that come from a situation like this.
I call that a clue.
Hey Gina, what can you tell the American people about election fraud and how impossible it is in the good ol USA?
One of the most pivotal moments in American history, and one of, if not THE top intel directors ostensibly loaded with the very answers the American people deserve (and fucking PAID for), is a complete ghost!
I ‘heard’ lots of that too… but it hardly serves as answers or proofs of what happened to her.
Why no others in the so-called “IC” have stepped forward is simply rock solid proof to this anon that the Intelligence Community has no intelligence, courage nor wisdom worth respecting.