At least the guy admits the truth.
Liberals are the oppressors.
The socialist parties are the gangs of BULLIES who want to BULLY the whole world into following their lead.
They are the Pied Pipers who promise us nice things but whoNEVER DELIVER.
There is actually nothing wrong with the nice things that socialism promises.
If they can be delivered without CENTRALIZATION, without higher taxes, and WITH OVERSIGHT by the end users, it would be OK.
For an example, consider what Trump did with HEALTHCARE for all, a typical socialist promise.
First he reduced taxes.
Then he made sure that the end user has OVERSIGHT because tyou can change suppliers at will.
The only government intervention was to make a rule… NO PRE_EXISTING CONDITIONS can be used to affect the pricing or availability of insurance.
He was able to deliver a socialist promise,
Without any of the socialist bullying that they always want to include.
We ought to take Bernies entire platform and go over it in detail, figuring out ways to deliver on all those promises, without extra taxes and WITH oversight by the end users.
Get out your thinking caps and those old copies of Ayn Rand.