Who's soil did Israel defense forces blow a building up on? American soil? CCP soil.?
Thought acts of war were frowned upon?
Who's soil did Israel defense forces blow a building up on? American soil? CCP soil.?
Thought acts of war were frowned upon?
Blowing up buildings in America with zero consequences. Winning intensifies.
Zero consequences..I'll believe it when I see it. Goyim zero Hook nosed shekel hoarders have 3-5 buildings on the scoreboard.
Was the building blown up by Israel defense forces on American soil? CCP soil? Kike soil?
Isn't a foreign military blowing up Americas shit an act of war.? WTF is going on!?
Arkancide. Podesta had "art" similar. Killers posed them.
Can someone get Pfizer on that gif
Let's fucking pray.
Used to have the mogellon videos. Creepy.
I'm beginning to think you hooked nosed kikes mutilated his body on the cross, specifically his cock, then crowned him with his foreskin. Goyim waking the fuck up.
Think outside the box. KEK
No shit eh. This place is the cube.
Think BlackBerry. Think Northern Telecom;Nortel.
Bunch of fucking chinks stole all that intellectual property.
Fuck off with your Hook nosed shekel hoarding muh genocide. They have happened allover the world. You are not special. Now go polish a shiny chink yuan.
Nuremberg 2.0
All of us will suffer a casualty to the CCP virus & cure. Nobody will not be touched by death of loved ones. Last round was just a test. We are Fooked
End of that day.notice the star.
Unvaxxed men better have good stamina. The women that are breedable will be hunting you down like cavemen.
Have a good shift fiuckers.