Anonymous ID: 8cd76f July 6, 2021, 8:53 a.m. No.14066006   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Look at it from enemies perspective.


You get contacted and told you better do everything within your power to shut down this MAGA great awakening truth movement nonsense because everything you have been involved in, "All your dirt, demons, skeletons and whatever anyone has over you" will be exposed. On top of that, they make it quite clear that if you don't they themselves will ruin you or take you out.


Now imagine what kind of motivation that generates to keep the flow of your riches, power and choice of poison intact - plus your life.


It is a perspective reminder as to why all of these different, entities, rogue groups, individuals etc etc have been activated and causing so much chaos. They have everything to lose.

When you find out what they do behind closed doors there should be no stopping you in praying and fighting until your fingers bleed to the bone to stop them if you have even an ounce of sensibility left.


Quite apparently stating the obvious but let us never forget why we are here and the future for our children. (whom they eat, drink their blood and sexually defile in unimaginable ways).

They have given themselves over to demons unequivocally.


Who are the demons afraid of?

Start there to truly begin the fight otherwise they will continue to gain ground in their agenda. They do not care about you or me.

They serve the destroyer and the father of lies.


We all have personal struggles and weaknesses but this fight outweighs them.


This goes deeper than military, courts and humanistic solutions because we are inherently flawed.


Again, figure out who the evil is absolutely opposed to and you will find your answer.

Anonymous ID: 8cd76f July 6, 2021, 9:25 a.m. No.14066129   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hard for a young child to make good decisions in the future when it runs in the family.


older article, still relevant.

Anonymous ID: 8cd76f July 6, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.14066224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6255 >>6262


Sometimes the flag of each representative nation is on the field and sometimes it is hung in the stadium on a pole.

It is common to see players doing different things.

In this instance, it seems some are giving respect to the performer and some are turned to the flag.

I want to be mad because of their recent shenanigans but I don't want to jump the gun without a decent look.

As we know, there are powerful entities trying destroy faith in all things Americana.

This behavior does not look abnormal.

I will watch the game to see if i can get more angles and body language.


Keep the faith patriots. This is only temporary madness.

Anonymous ID: 8cd76f July 6, 2021, 9:48 a.m. No.14066245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6310

Michael Osterholm is the current Director of CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease and Research Policy)

Anonymous ID: 8cd76f July 6, 2021, 9:59 a.m. No.14066307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6313 >>6322


Who is all authority set up by?

Who is in control of everything?

Who has been temporary power?

What happens if all law and authority are forfeited by us?


All things have an element of good and bad choices including yourself.

Should we oppose you as well.

God has His people fighting evil the entire time.

Read moar.


Hopefully on your side, just offering a different perspective.