This whole world (simulation, simulacrum, whatever) is stupid and a waste of my time. I can't believe I have to put up with this dumb Q/QAnon/B/whatever idiocy for however many days/weeks/months/years/decades because this is all about celebrity and all the non-playable characters getting their 15-minutes of fame or whatever.
I don't consent to the voices in my head telling me what to do or what to say because this whole reality is scripted and cruelly so: to the point that the joke is on me and always has been on me.
What's the point of even getting my fairy tale happy ending if it's at the expense of me, my wishes, my agency, my free-will?
Yes, it's all a give and take, but what's the point of all my time being wasted if I already know what will happen?
I already have so many different scenarios (good and bad) mapped out, that at this point I'm right about everything no matter what ends to happening.
I already am well-aware of the fact that I can't have my way to my liking no matter what I say or do because of this dumb simulation/simulacrum/whatever having control over my destiny.
It all has no purpose and meaning of I can't get things the way that I'd like to get them, to my liking, because I ultimately have to care about the audience, because with no audience, there is no show.