surprise surprise… always the same games from the same players, sure is fun watch BJ12 not getting anywhere with anons. They have been relegated to taking shots at BV like a bunch of second tier high school kids.
exactly thisSbt. Babyfist thinks he is smarter / superior to everyone he meets. So he plays games and fucks around. Meanwhile everyone catches on to his fuckery eventually and likely cancels him out of their lives because of his toxic behavior. Unfortunately for us he can just hop an IP and keep coming back. His ego will never let him think he has lost.
Stupid never knows it's stupid
not surprising the faggot has to talk himself up… no one else will blow up his tires for him. There is a perfect expression for faggots like this in the trades. FIGJAM
Fuck I'm good, just ask me.
yup… their stupidity is their downfall and they will never see it, because of their ego. Can't see their own shadows. They think what they are doing is smart and that no one can see through them. Perfect… keep hammering them BV, anons know your legit.