Firstly, because there are those, in the Order, who in their lack of knowledge claim that it does not exist; secondly, because the seeking Ma- son can gain no further light than is shed by the ritual itself, until he starts his quest for the REAL SECRETS of the hidden Mysteries of Freemasonry- and they are found WITHIN THE SECRET DOC- TRINE! How important this is considered by Brother Waite is evidenced by the following: “1 have followed the Secret Tradition in its development through several paths, within and outside of Masonry. That there is a meaning behind the Tradition I am entirely certain, though it is of symbolism or allegory after its own manner and within its own measures, even as Masonry is, The great BOOK OF THE ZOHAR contains the whole doctrine of the Hidden Word and of the circumstances under which it shall be restored on the coming of Israel out of exile in the day of Messiah.”
Bacon’s two great ideals: universal education and universal democracy.”