calling out the worst globals in board history is permabannable for unspecified reason now?
bv is unhinged
calling out the worst globals in board history is permabannable for unspecified reason now?
bv is unhinged
you are pathetic
>8bit said that because it is a death threat, Jim W is obligated to hand over the IP info
>Oh ffs I have to weigh in on this bullshit. Assuming you don't understand what you are doing, the source code will need to be provided to prove that IP hash = IP address and will need to be tested for edge cases that result in a situation where IP hash ≠ IP address. Then logs will need to be provided to confirm that a particular post was made by a particular IP address. You think the boards will remain up when there is a federal cyber crime investigation ongoing? What are the chances that in the process of investigating this claim that the investigation will spread to the B GV post? Now we have at least qresearch and projectdcomms boards down, if not the whole site. Now the feds have access to the credentials for posting on that board, next they get to the source code and logs for trips.
>BV activations results:
>Cap this and gab and telegram it to the waktins's. The inmates are not just running the asylum, they are getting it shut down.
o7 Patriot
no wonder he went incognito on q, into the storm
worst nightshift in quite some time thanks to bv
mebbe a little song to lift the spirits?
bred just got quite a bit more interesting, u right
it was the allman bros song
try this one and let's see what shakes loose
tranime's a patriot
just like bv is not
and like babyfist is
and like B is
and like Q is
and like æi is
hmm seeing a pattern yet?
wait didn't errybody say q was a team?
Q team
chompin at the bit sir