Anonymous ID: 4a253f July 6, 2021, 6:42 p.m. No.14069893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9934 >>9942 >>0496

i'm starting to believe this is disinformation, it's getting so far-fetched


Jan. 6 Detainees Confined 23 Hours a Day, Attorneys Say



Dozens detained in federal prison awaiting trial following the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol building are being subject to solitary confinement, a lack of required medical care, and restricted access to defense counsel, according to two attorneys and the father of a defendant.


Lawyers John Pierce and Steven Metcalf II, who represent several of the defendants, told EpochTV’s “The Nation Speaks” that among the close to 500 arrested so far in connection with the Jan. 6 incident, more than 50 are being held pretrial in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, in conditions that are “unconstitutional” and violate “every single basic human right.”


Pierce said these individuals are being detained by federal judges under the 1984 Bail Reform Act, which, under certain circumstances, authorizes pretrial detention if it’s believed the individuals are a threat to the community or a flight risk.


“There are about 50 plus or minus that are being detained, that have been in prison for months and will likely remain in prison for many more months until their day in court,” Pierce said.


Ned Lang, the father of a defendant who he said is receiving particularly harsh treatment, said his son Jake is currently detained in a Washington prison in an area called “the hole.”


“[Jake] has no access to when [his attorney] goes down and talks to him. He has no access to a private interview with an attorney. It’s like you’re in a third-world country. It’s unbelievable,” said Lang. “From what he’s telling me and what I’m hearing, it’s solitary confinement 23 hours and one hour out a day. It’s horrible.


“These are Americans, we have individual rights, we have our Bill of Rights. This is inhumane treatment.”


Expanding on Jake Lang’s treatment in detention, Metcalf charged that he is being denied his constitutional rights by having only restricted access to defense counsel.


“I’m being told the water is black—he has to filter the water through a sock in order to even drink water,” Metcalf said. “In addition to only going out one hour a day, there’s also the weekend, [when] he doesn’t get out at all, and he’s not able to use a shower, get a shave for days on end.”


These conditions for pretrial detainees, he said, are unusual…..