Anonymous ID: fa6bec July 6, 2021, 7:25 p.m. No.14070187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0324


Call it what it IS, Kansas. WTFH won't these people shout from the rooftops of the MANNING JOHNSONS of American History when this Communist tactic comes up?? How about entertainer PAUL ROBESON?


Manning Rudolph Johnson  (December 17, 1908 – July 2, 1959) was a Communist Party USA African-American leader and the party's candidate for U.S. Representative from New York's 22nd congressional district during a special election in 1935. He later left the Party and became a government informant and witness.

On July 14, 1949, Johnson testified on "Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups".


Johnson also testified against Paul Robeson accusing him of having been a member of the Communist Party, although Johnson said "in the Negro commission of the national committee of the Communist Party we were told, under threat of expulsion never to reveal that Paul Robeson was a member of the Communist Party, because Paul Robeson's assignment was highly confidential and secret.


During 1949 testimony, Johnson summed up Robeson's career by saying, "It is regrettable, indeed, that such a man has sold himself to Moscow. He has enjoyed many of the benefits of this country.


In 1953, Johnson testified before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the U.S. House of Representatives


Hearings Regarding Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups. Part 2, Testimony of Manning Johnson [microform] : hearings before the United States House Committee on Un-American Activities, Eighty-First Congress, first session, on July 14, 1949


Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how small or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. “Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration” that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?


White leftists descended on Negro communities like locusts, posing as “friends” come to help “liberate” their black brothers. Along with these white communist missionaries came the Negro political Uncle Toms to allay the Negro’s distrust and fears of these strangers. Everything was inter-racial, an inter-racialism artificially created, cleverly devised as a camouflage of the red plot to use the Negro.



Oh, faux. Can't say SHIT.

Anonymous ID: fa6bec July 6, 2021, 7:56 p.m. No.14070413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0479 >>0598


Most rational summary anon has seen anywhere:


‘’’Lin Wood’’’ I know that many are confused by President Trump’s position on the “vaccine” or the “shot” as he often describes it.

I do not represent President Trump. I do not advise President Trump. So I certainly do not claim to speak for him. Heck, he endorsed Drew “Biden Won” McKissick!!! Ha! 😎

But I have believed for the last 4+ years that President Trump is doing his imperfect best to do God’s will for our country.

President Trump is the consummate White Hat. He loves America. He loves We The People.

I love President Trump. I trust him. And I respect his decisions even if I myself might disagree with him at times or not completely understand a given decision he makes.

So let’s talk about the “vaccine.” We still have enough First Amendment freedom left to do so and it is July 4th!

So here we go.


‘’’In order to understand any Presidential decision made in the 1 1/2 to 2 years, you must accept that our country is at war.’’’


We have been attacked by bioterrorism, cyber terrorism, and an attempted theft of our national election. The enemies are foreign and domestic.

The enemies are the Communists, Globalists, and the Deep State. Their stated goal is one world government with a ruling elite class and a servant class. They want to destroy the middle class.

President Trump will never allow America to be part of a one world government. America will govern itself. America First.

What must a Commander in Chief do during war?

Make some very difficult decisions.

So let’s continue the discussion with the above in mind.


Can you imagine the consequences if the enemies had been successful in locking down our country and the world for 1-2 years based on the fears of the public fueled by the exaggerated death counts and 24/7 propaganda media fear mongering?


Covid was a man made viral weapon intended to create fear. It was also a serious respiratory flu which would be expected to cause deaths in certain at risk members of the population, as the flu historically does on an annual basis.


The introduction of a “vaccine” on a warp speed basis would help remove or dramatically reduce the fear factor and prevent a collapse of the middle class and the economy from a lockdown.


Can you imagine the consequences if we had to wait 2+ years for a “fully approved vaccine?”


And if the “vaccine” was designed to harm recipients, that harm would occur in either event.


So one could speculate that the President made a decision to get the “vaccine” available to the public to minimize the casualties of war.


President Trump described Covid as the flu. He made it clear that hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment. And he had always made clear that the “vaccine” should NOT be mandatory.


People who did not fear the virus would be disinclined to take the “vaccine.” But for those living in fear, the “vaccine” would alleviate the fear.


"The Dream of a new world order", September 11, 1990: Address Before a Joint Session of Congress (VID: 31:40)