Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 6, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.14071481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>14071411 lb

>new age

Some of the retardation deserves this.

The problem is how often esoteric topics are conflated. If it wasn't out of ignorance that things get lumped together, I could understand more that people don't have the ability to pick things apart, but calling everything "new age" is just boring at this point.

However, I do understand your point and typically agree with you. At the same time, you guys have to understand that anons are usually very tame or lightly involved here such that they rarely go in to the deeper topics that we've discussed at length in different places and at different times.

The nature of of the ever-evolving chan communities, as they relate to the "truth movement" has always been an honest and unwavering pursuit of truth. I think you'll find that the more you're willing to let go and hunt down the truth, whatever that may mean, the easier it will be to stop calling people "crazy" or writing them off as "insert common trope here".

Again, just to be clear, I do generally agree with this assessment, despite this lecture of sorts.


>>14071451 (me)

oops this was meant for BV

Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 6, 2021, 11:50 p.m. No.14071500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1519 >>1529 >>1536

>>14071429 lb

The issue is that just delving in to these topics isn't normally that valuable. Maybe I went way around the block to just ask for more info, but I felt like explaining a bit of my perspective would help convey my openness to the idea, even though it doesn't fit neatly in to the purview I've accrued.

See, a lot of people are going to have to give up on things they've been clinging to all of their lives; their ideology, their worldview, some things they've assumed since youth to be concrete facts. So much of what we're told is a fabrication, anon.


The short of it is that "Pindar" isn't some human, but a lingering spirit that acquires a physical vessel as a "sacrifice" from a "pure bloodline" (picked for such an occasion) in intervals.

Many old beings still remain here, some you are taught died in flesh. So long as what I'm gathering is accurate, though I'm sure some holes remain, the idea is that humans understand little about the physical and metaphysical realms.

Have you still not watched The 100? You really should. Maybe you'd get what I'm pointing to here.



To avoid understanding the dark is to be blind to its advances.

Yin must have Yang. Contrast is what animates reality.



Stop by some time. It's a bit better currently. The bots and faggots are acclimating to the new captcha system. I'm sure it won't last at this point, but it might be worth some of your time for a while.

Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 6, 2021, 11:52 p.m. No.14071512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586


The right amount of people, probably.

What business do you have interfering with Darwin's principals, plagued as they may be?

Why should any of us suffer egregious laws because someone might hurt themselves. The "war on drugs" was never about protecting any person, but revenue streams. You might not believe who actually does most of the drug dealing in the US…

Want a hint? It's definitely not just some average civilian.

Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 7, 2021, 12:02 a.m. No.14071537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1586


I'm purposefully leaving out large portions.

Besides, whatever you say at this point is entirely valueless, especially considering your incessant negligence when it comes to conveying what you know like we're supposed to here.

We have no reason to interact. I've left you be for a while to hopefully get the point through to you: until you stop this charade of denying everything I say and then speaking no more about the topic, I've no reason to care about anything you supposedly offer.

I've encountered exactly zero supposed authorities on these types of subjects that are so reluctant as you. I don't think there's a coincidence there.

Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 7, 2021, 12:06 a.m. No.14071548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1571 >>1841


But most have a narrow understanding of "demons". Our ancestors denoted the type of "demon" in antiquity and frequently. What point would there be to say "good demon" back in those days if they agreed that all demons necessarily have such a connotation? It's important we understand at least some of the literature before we involve ourselves in these conversations. It's a shame most do not.

All beings are inorganic, anon. Sure, maybe some men lack the kind of "spirit" many of us here likely have, but (You), my friend, are not your body.

>somewhere in the midst of all that. we may talk about UFOs and aliens but the truth is perhaps closer to earth and more good vs evil than galactic triptych.

Sure, this may be true, but I'm hesitant to agree that it's for (likely, anyway) the reason you're thinking.

Anonymous ID: 30ddc4 July 7, 2021, 12:33 a.m. No.14071619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643


You're speaking of milab?

Of course, I'm still not sold, but it sounds like that's where we're headed here. No, I'd guess. I don't think MS13 means something similar.



I'm not so sure I can agree "all religions work". Maybe what you mean is this kind of stimulation universally leads to the same ends if practiced enough.

Christianity, for instance, is so potent for a reason. It's just too bad most don't really get how to interpret it.