Anonymous ID: 01be39 July 7, 2021, 5:06 a.m. No.14072294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2306 >>2312

Official: Haiti President Jovenel Moïse assassinated at home


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in an attack on his private residence early Wednesday, according to a statement from the country’s interim prime minister, who called the killing a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act."


First Lady Martine Moïse was shot in the overnight attack and hospitalized, interim Premier Claude Joseph said.


Even before the assassination, Haiti had grown increasingly unstable and disgruntled under Moïse. The president ruled by decree for more than two years after the country failed to hold elections and the opposition demanded he step down in recent months.


“The country’s security situation is under the control of the National Police of Haiti and the Armed Forces of Haiti," Joseph said in a statement from his office. “Democracy and the republic will win.”


In the early morning hours of Wednesday, the streets were largely empty in the Caribbean nation's capital of Port-au-Prince, but some people ransacked businesses in one area.


Joseph said police have been deployed to the National Palace and the upscale community of Pétionville and will be sent to other areas.


Joseph condemned the assassination as a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.” In the statement, he said some of the attackers spoke in Spanish but offered no further explanation. He later said in a radio address that they spoke Spanish or English, again offering no details.


The White House described the attack as “horrific” and “tragic” and said it was still gathering information on what happened. U.S. President Joe Biden will be briefed later Wednesday by his national security team, spokesperson Jen Psaki said during an interview on MSNBC.


Haiti's economic, political and social woes have deepened recently, with gang violence spiking heavily in Port-au-Prince, inflation spiraling and food and fuel becoming scarcer at times in a country where 60% of the population makes less than $2 a day. These troubles come as Haiti still tries to recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake and Hurricane Matthew that struck in 2016.


Opposition leaders accused Moïse, who was 53, of seeking to increase his power, including by approving a decree that limited the powers of a court that audits government contracts and another that created an intelligence agency that answers only to the president.


In recent months, opposition leaders demanded the he step down, arguing that his term legally ended in February 2021. Moïse and supporters maintained that his term began when he took office in early 2017, following a chaotic election that forced the appointment of a provisional president to serve during a year-long gap.


Haiti was scheduled to hold general elections later this year.

Anonymous ID: 01be39 July 7, 2021, 5:22 a.m. No.14072335   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2348


The FBI says it infiltrated a militia-style group's'Bible study'after tracking a suspect in the Capitol riot


A man charged with storming the Capitol on January 6 is also said to have participated in a self-styled militia that referred to its meetings as "Bible study" and discussed surveilling the Capitol complex after the attack.


Fi Duong, 27, was released to home confinement on Friday after facing multiple charges, including disorderly conduct and obstruction of an official proceeding tied to the riot.


In a complaint made public Tuesday, the FBI says an undercover police officer encountered Duong at the Capitol on the day when supporters of President Donald Trump breached the building and clashed with law enforcement.


He described himself to the officer as an "operator," the complaint said, adding that evidence showed he was later spotted inside the building wearing a "Japanese-style mask."

Anonymous ID: 01be39 July 7, 2021, 5:52 a.m. No.14072479   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also wondering about the connection to the Popes recent rectal issue and how the Beibs & Baldwin Bitch (who wore some slutty clothes per MSM) and Kim Kartrashian (also noted to be wearing slutty clothes) tie in.


Follow those Stars…

Are they attempting to cover their tracks?

Anonymous ID: 01be39 July 7, 2021, 5:56 a.m. No.14072497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He was probably No Named.

"DROP" after testimony.

(Prince P style…)


They always seem to get to pick what "story" is presented to the public to protect their "legacy."

Anonymous ID: 01be39 July 7, 2021, 7:35 a.m. No.14072986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3040


[P]rinces (north, south, east, west)

[C]ardinal signs.


While all of the infernal names are said to reside in the Royal Palace of Hell, four are set apart as being particularly powerful. These are known to LaVeyan Satanists as the crown princes of Hell.


Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west. This is in line with other Western magical practices that commonly associate supernatural beings with the cardinal points. Specifically, ceremonial magic has commonly ascribed the four Biblical archangels—Michael, Raphael, Uriel, and Gabriel—to the four directions for several hundred years.


In the Satanic Bible, Anton LaVey also associates each prince with one of the four physical elements: fire, earth, air, and water. This is again a common practice in Western magical traditions.



Satan is a Hebrew term meaning "adversary." Unlike the common Christian view of Satan as opposing the will of God, in his original context, Satan was a servant of God. He tested the faith of God's followers by being adversarial toward them, tempting them to stray from God's path or denounce him in their moments of misery.


For Satanists, he is:


"The adversary of: mundanity, mediocrity, right hand path, stupidity, conformity for the sake of conformity, self destruction, religion, gods."

— The Aspect of Satan, Vexen Crabtree

He is associated in the Satanic Bible with the element of fire and the south.



The Book of Isaiah addresses the Babylonian king by a phrase that translates roughly to "Day Star, Son of the Dawn." When Christians translated the passage into Latin, the term was rendered as Lucifer. This literally means "morning star," and it came to erroneously be considered a proper name.


There is nothing in Isaiah that associates Lucifer with Satan, but the imagery of Lucifer as a fallen angel struck a chord with Christians. The association of Lucifer with Satan was further cemented in the Christian mind by works such as Dante's Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost.


The Satanic Bible celebrates the original meaning of the name, describing Lucifer as the "bringer of light, enlightenment," (p. 57) and associating him with air and the east. He is a person's inner light, which society attempts to drag into the darkness of conformity.


It is important to note that Luciferians have a slightly different view of Lucifer.



The Hebrew term Belial is generally translated to mean "without worth," although the "Satanic Bible" uses a less often used translation "without a master." In the New Testament, the term is used as a synonym for Satan. He is also frequently associated with sex, lust, confusion, and darkness.


The "Satanic Bible" also associates Belial with independence, the earth, and the north, the direction of darkness.


Earth is the element of grounding and realism. It keeps people's feet on the ground rather than having their head in the clouds, confused by self-deceit and external influence. Earth is also commonly associated with fertility and thus with sex and lust, referring back to the common Christian understanding of Belial.



The Books of Psalms, Job, and Isaiah all mention a great sea creature called Leviathan. In these texts, Leviathan is monstrous but not demonic, as Christians often understand the beast to be. Leviathan may also have its origins in Tiamat and Lotan, both monstrous Mesopotamian creatures that sow chaos and are eventually slain by hero-gods.


For Satanists, Leviathan is:


"A great sea monster, sexual desire, from out of the unknown and feared depths. The hidden truth; the hidden and horrible nature of existence and struggle. A great, powerful creature that continually gathers strength to attack all the world's religions. An unstoppable force from within man." — Leviathan Aspects, Vexen Crabtree

Unsurprisingly, Leviathan is associated with water and the west.