Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 5:29 a.m. No.14072356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2362 >>2413 >>2474

I'm compelled to concernfag a little here this morning. 3 topics I will post seperate. Scroll past if you don't want to read.


Capitol Police Fieled Office

1) For those following the Law of War Manual concept, This expansion of territory should be deeply concerning. As of now , the disputed territory if elections proven fraudulent, is DC. If they create these field offices then the territory includes there also


2) It has been almost 24 hours and not 1 single word of State pushback or WTF alarm.


3) If Congressional Reps are under threat as said, wouldn't the logical soltion be for State law enforcement to set up "field offices" in DC to protect and communicate those threats. A field office by nature is a small satellite with limited purpose. If threats are coming from inside a State and need to be conveyed to the Reps while in DC, the reverse of what's happening should be done.

4) This is an end run around the Constitution. Federal Government needs State permission to set up buildings and a footprint in their State. DC Capitol Police are not Feds.

Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 5:39 a.m. No.14072413   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2437 >>2474 >>2553 >>2630 >>2843

>>14072356 (me) Concernfag 2nd


1) The only source of information the Government could have about who is nnot vaccinated would come from a list provided by Health Departments cross checked with the census. The Census cannot lawfully be used for this purpose


2) It will be Census type workers hired to come to your door with the same psuedo authority temporarily granted to them as a contract worker


3) TX AG Paxton is the only State that has pushed back on this


4) Anti Vaxers have already been labeled by the Govenment as extremeists. You are on the list and will be labeled as such if they know you won't get vaxed.DON'T SPEAK TO THEM

Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 5:52 a.m. No.14072474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2482 >>2502 >>2512

>>14072356 (me)

>>14072413 (me)

Concern 3rd




1) The Senators have said repeatedly to the public and in Court that this audit is not for overturning 2020 but for future electionsBELIEVE THEM


2) This started with a vague timeline given to the public about completion and use of the facilty. People have followed the goal post and never complained because the carrot is worth it. They have moved the goal post so many times they now giveNOinfo about when we will see results or what they plan to have happen if fraud is found. Since they are aware of the 75 million voter's and their expectations, they should be coming out and clearly stating what expectations should be held. They stated them at the beginning but 75 million people morphed it. That should be put to rest if incorrect.


3) History of 1/6-1/20 is being repeated. 75 million people sat back quietly hoping for an event that was never promised to happen but allowed to believe it through lack of addressing rumors. When rumors are this wide spread and beleived, it becomes a lie to remain silent when they knew the rumors were false.


4) The extreme power grab happening right now during the period of hopium quiet is intentional. (((they))) know we are sitting back waiting for dominoes to fall and are taking advantage of it.





Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 6 a.m. No.14072527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2536 >>2597


anon, I am not saying that Trump won't be back in the WH before 2024 because I don't know that. I am saying the believe that this is the mechanism is the falsehood.

There would have to be multiple steps before that happened. Biden cannot be the legit commander in chief if he gained power through fraud. Our Military woould be committing treason by taking orders from him if so, they would be committing treason by refusing his orders if he is legit.

It becomes a national security threat of epic proportions. Clarity must come. Biden's state is 1 aspect and does not equal Trump in simultaeous.

We have never had this issue so we are in uncharted waters. Nobosy can say with certainty

Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 6:12 a.m. No.14072587   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If the AZ audit is sitting on info right now of ballot counts enough to over turn the results, that info should be released with a disclaimer that more info still to come.

Waiting for the entire completion while sitting on that is the problem not the solution.


The american people are going to have to take the problem straight to the military if fraud is found.

State Legislatures failed, Courts failed, US Legislatures failed.

None of them will decide to unfail now

Anonymous ID: 27df42 July 7, 2021, 6:58 a.m. No.14072800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2810

AZ Audit

PA Audit

GA Lawsuit

MI DePerno appeal

WI Supreme Court ruled 200K ballots unconstitutional. John Solomon calls it low hanging fruit nobody has tried to grab so he will start


Time for a little Van Morrison andDOMINO