Anonymous ID: 96e3fe July 7, 2021, 6:58 a.m. No.14072799   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>what the court filings described as a “fully constructed U.S. Capitol Lego set.”

Dont they sell those in the White House gift shop? Queen of England got one from the Obama's I believe.

Anonymous ID: 96e3fe July 7, 2021, 7:41 a.m. No.14073021   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Fixed and baker of this bread was banned

Wasn't me, it was my alter ego.

I'll be on the news today

I'm Clark Kent, not Superman.

That's what i'm here to say

Not my fault dindu nuffin

Now I cant be blamed

I'm Bruce Wayne, not Batman

I lie 'cause I feel no shame.