which ones marriage shill, is that b or gerbil
also doesnt read the entire passage it quotes because it says both in it
its ok to get divorced
its ok to stay married
its literally like the passage following it
yeah, probably leafy or b
gerbils not nearly smart enough to code a bot
kek, oh fuck what have i done
so now trump is an alien because of butchered out of context bible quotes?
jfc this thing is fucking retarded even for a shill
or maybe i dont actually care about decoding retarded subhuman trash
hes hopping awfully fast im guessing their static vpn as well as a couple shitty laptops
who said anything about catching them?
by banning them when they post BV removes their ability to get paid by the (you)
that leaves them with roughly 20 dollars a day in payment
that means they will soon have to turn to a life of prostitution and they will be entry level because they're all fat and disgusting
so eventually they'll get aids and turn to spending what little cash they have on heroin and od in a ditch somewhere
its very beautiful in its simplicity
i love how you cant make a post on your own and need to appeal to the group
that means youre super secure in what youre saying
budget a lil tight this month?
oh that musta went to spam
i have an old fishing boat, they could like put a tarp over it if needed
not gerbil tho, he sleeps in a ditch
this is why letting go of ego was such an important step
not only do they almost exclusively post pepe
now they're forming consensus by calling themselves anons and everyone against their lil crew shills
sure theyve done it before but this is a massive effort now that they're mostly out of the kitchen and their b larp failed on delivery
even anonymous is a form of ego, fuck em all, its just you and random people online who happen to agree with you at this point
actually yeah, same
at least leaf would post good cointel op posts in between the jewish porn and terrible memes
i think i remember seeing an article about one cia proxy fighting another cia proxy in the middle east
probably something like that
well, dont really have a rebuttal for that so…
dont lock my chevrons bro
i paid good money for those unlocked chevrons
oh come on, save one chevron, dont lock em all
youll open the damn stargate you fool
chevron one
oh shit, now what
chevron two
chevron three
oh thats way worse than simply unlocking again