Anonymous ID: 575572 July 7, 2021, 2:49 p.m. No.14075785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5813


Open your eyes anons


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Church of the SubGenius

>The Church of the SubGenius's ostensible beliefs defy categorization or a simple narrative, often striking outsiders as bizarre and convoluted

Anonymous ID: 575572 July 7, 2021, 3:12 p.m. No.14075941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5950 >>5988

Cosby and Maxine Waters were long time friends

What do you think he knows about her?

About Hollywood?

About Epstein, since they were neighbors?


Bill Cosby → Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters → Ukraine

Ukraine → Ennis Cosby's killer


Note that one of the accomplices in Ennis's murder was Eli Zakaria, son of Joseph Zakaria

Mobster and freelance dismember-er


Ennis Cosby aside

Just down the road in Phoenix, Bill Cosby's former son-in-law, Martin McLean, had a son that was murdered

Maricopa County (election audits, anyone?)

Stabbed 72 times

Martin McLean was married to Ensa Cosby

Ensa Cosby died before she was able to get a kidney transplant

Martin McLean's son was Matthew McLean


The prosecutor in Bill Cosby's civil trial was Bruce Castor

Bruce Castor happens to be the attorney for the Jan 6 "protestors"

Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police during the insurrection

Nancy Pelosi's father was mob

>Ennis Cosby murder also mob


Anyway, Castor

Looked up his campaign contributions


Marilyn Lewis gave him just over $500k

That's a whole lot for a state race

Marilyn Lewis's husband was Drew Lewis, Sec of Transportation under Reagan, CEO of what would eventually become MTV

Drew Lewis gave Castor $100k


So $600k between Drew and Marilyn Lewis to the Cosby civil prosecutor

Anonymous ID: 575572 July 7, 2021, 3:13 p.m. No.14075950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


FYI, Drew Lewis died in Prescott, AZ


Prescott, AZ

Where the body parts from "medical research" were found scattered

Where Hunter Biden left his crackpipe in the car

Where the CP ring was busted at the same time that Hunter Biden left the crackpipe in the car

Where the firefighters died in the historic Yarnell Hill fire (cover up?)


The judge in the Cosby criminal trial

Judge Stephen T. O'Neill

Assigned himself to the case after a very public platform of being out to get Cosby

Had a relationship with Bruce Castor's previous assistant DA

O'Neill and Castor are not friendly, might say bitter

Judge O'Neill knowingly ignored the 5th amendment violation that Castor warned about and allowed the trial to proceed illegally


Which is funny, because the prosecutor in Cosby's criminal trial ALSO knowingly ignored the 5th amendment violation

Kevin Steele, DA for Montgomery County PA

Happens to sit on the board of a couple child advocacy centers


Reminder that Montgomery County PA, where all this Cosby shit is happening, is considered part of the Delaware valley

Anyone catching a whiff of Joe Biden?


Speaking of Joe Biden

Gloria Allred represented some of Cosby's rape accusers

Gloria Allred also donates money to Biden, Obama, Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown, former Governor of CA, who was affiliated with and pictured with Ed Buck


Ed Buck is a serial murderer of black men


Which is interesting, because Bill Cosby is a black man that was stripped of his rights and left to rot in jail


Gloria Allred's daughter, Lisa Bloom, represents other Cosby accusers

Lisa Bloom donated to Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris, friends with Jussie Smollet (what happened to him?)


One of Kamala Harris's campaign advisors was Laphonza Butler

Laphonza Butler was on California's Electoral College in 2016 alongside serial black man murderer Ed Buck (didn't I mention him earlier?)

Anonymous ID: 575572 July 7, 2021, 3:15 p.m. No.14075969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

By the way, one of the more vocal Cosby accusers

Supermodel Janice Dickinson

Is listed in Epstein's black book

Just a coincidence, I'm sure


Kamala Harris, running mate to Joe Biden, whose son left a crackpipe in a car in Prescott, AZ, where Drew and Marilyn Lewis are from, who donated $600k to Bill Cosby's prosecutor

And somehow Ed Buck and Jeffrey Epstein show up twice


Really coming full circle here


Also interesting that Cosby wore a Keith Haring shirt while playing tennis at a Navritilova event


Keith Haring was a "proud pedophile" artist from the 80s that died of AIDS

Hung around the Warhol/Basquiat/Pollock/Dali crowd, Madonna, pedo Allen Ginsberg, Debi Mazar

His foundation donates a surprising amount of money

Digs are plentiful, particularly stemming from Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut'


Let's focus on Keith Haring for a moment

Designer Stacey Bendet's company, Alice + Olivia, did a line revolving around Haring


Stacey Bendet is neighbors with Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, NY

She's also married to the son of Disney's Michael Eisner

Stacey Bendet's original name is Stacey Weiner

Stacey Weiner to Anthony Weiner to Huma Abedin to Hillary Clinton


Which makes sense when you consider that Huma was at the premier of the Haring clothing line

And Anthony Weiner is a pedo


The whole art scene has an air of money laundering of course, but Haring and Basquiat turn up frequently if you pay attention

They're especially popular with people like Ellen, Lenny Kravitz, Lars Ulrich, Jay Z, Johnny Depp, Rihanna, and companies like Cuervo and Nike

You know, the conservative types


So again

Imagine what Cosby knows


I'm not sure if anyone fully understands the absolute insidiousness

Forget about setting up Cosby for a second, forget Epstein

The ultimate goal was the control and manipulation of a specific racial group

Cosby was just in the way


Take a minute on that


How many other black fight-the-establishment-type celebs just happened to go away?

The message about standing up for yourself got twisted into something completely opposite and well, treasonous

And it's really fucking sad

Think about Martin Lawrence and when he went "crazy" in the 90s. Look up what he said. He was right. And no one listened to him.

Look at Kanye.

Chris Rock.

Michael Jackson.

Chappelle is a gimme.

Dare I say Tupac?







What is the advantage of character assassination when it comes to people like this?


How about MLK?

What was his message?

Was it similar to Cosby's message?


Let's go one further:


How did the government handle Hurricane Katrina?

Was it painfully obvious to everyone watching?

How many local people came forward and said the levees were blown?


What happened to Detroit?


How involved was our government in Haiti?


Aren't these stories worth a closer, knowing what we now know?


If the truth comes out

How do you think the black population will react?


Feel free to verify everything I've posted

All the links are provided


And if they could do this to Bill Cosby

Do you think they could do this to Kevin Spacey?

Kevin Spacey, who knows a thing or two about Clinton, Epstein, the royals?