Anonymous ID: 0d7eb6 July 7, 2021, 4:41 p.m. No.14076521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6574 >>6585 >>6624 >>6639


>>14076385 <TYB




To the newbies and young people here with so many questions. You will face many truths and lies here. Many have died to bring this information to you. For centuries good people have given their lives so that this would be known to you now.

You will go through many emotions and heartache to know this truth. You would not be here were you not a truth seeker, bless you all.

First will be denial. The horrors will rock you to the core. To think that anyone could do these things will seem impossible.

Then will be anger. A fury and rage will rise in you so overwhelming it will threaten your sanity. Do not lash out. Do not become what you hate.

Next you wil ask perhaps if we ask them to stop they will. No they won't they are lost and only they can turn to the light. Some will but the worst will not.

Then it will weigh on your heart, the darkness will attempt to keep you in sadness and despair. Move past this.

Lastly you will know that each must find their own way and that by looking inside yourself, you will find a divine, magnificent, eternal soul who will be the future of humanity.

Do not darken your soul with vengeance, hatred or fear. You are the light you are seeking. You are a beautiful shining beacon that one day will know a world without war.

All paths lead to God. May yours be a joyous and kind one. That is why anons are here now. So that you and your children may live on a peaceful and beautiful earth.


Anonymous ID: 0d7eb6 July 7, 2021, 4:53 p.m. No.14076585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6611



8 lessons of years of Truthing: take it or leave it.

  1. VERIFY/CHECK before spreading! Truth is the most precious thing, keep it clean.

  2. Forget your EGO/EMOTIONS. Truth doesn't care: Truth hurts.

  3. Start with establishing #FACTS: WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? Then, look for actors: WHO? Only LATER: reasons and explanations (WHY?/HOW?). Most #disinfo agents target insecure truthers by moving immediately to "why?". NO. Stay calm, establish as much baseline fact as possible. WHY is NOT important: THEY decide THEIR rules.

  4. Use EYES, EARS, SIMPLE LOGIC. Simple facts destroy the most complicated lies. Truth requires few words. Lies need libaries.

  5. ANY group spreading #Truth WILL be targeted by agents trying to poison the Truth, destroy group #cohesion and #credibility, AKA "Poisoning of the well." People don't want to be associated with liars and lunatics. THEY will try to make YOU look crazy, but also their OWN #ControlledOpposition agents. The #tinfoilhat/#conspiracytheory campaign is effective: the sheeple have built up natural defenses against what they don't know #ridicule.

  6. THEY know/accept that smart minds WILL connect with Truth every generation (a #NEO). My theory is THEY are envious of people who managed to find out Truth against all odds. However, Truth is too important to get spread wider, so THEY WILL find ways to manage it on micro, but more importantly, macro level. A single truther doesn't matter, but mass awakening MUST be prevented, guided, controlled, through agents and half-truths (lies). The goal is to make the fake-awake feel like they know the truth, while they dont. This is the purpose of #Q, #Assange, #Snowden, and other "#limitedhangout".

  7. Truthers using real names are rare because of repercussions that Truthing has. #Truth is generally not accepted by your friends, family, or your employer: it's too uncomfortable to be associated with publicly. ONLY #ControlledOppposition folks from elite families can easily play the #tinfoilhat guy in public. They have nothing to lose: they're VIP already. "Verified accounts" you should trust the LEAST.

  8. Every so called or self-proclaimed "Truther", must have or develop the ability to discern Truth from disinformation. This is a basic skill and principle: #discernment, truth or lie should be applied to ALL information presented to you, and ALL parts and pieces of that information, whether you buy into the general principle/message of that information or not. You can NEVER ASSUME. EVER. You can NEVER accept one part and then automatically the whole, because THAT is how they sell LIES. By packaging it in a 90% truth wrapping.

#Discernment does not come fully natural, this can only be honed and perfected by exposing yourself to new information, truthful and deceitful, learning to recognize facts from fiction. This is a very subtle, but extremely powerful and important skill. As MY tutor who took me under his wing told me: "Eat the meat, spit out the bones."

God bless all of you.

Anonymous ID: 0d7eb6 July 7, 2021, 4:59 p.m. No.14076624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The things holding us captive?

1) language (mind control)?

2) statism (ideologies , government, groups)?

3) monetary system (dollars, petrodollar, euro, sterling, digital etc etc )?

4)emotional manipulations,

(fear, love, hate , anger, empathy apathy, feminism, liberal, leftist behaviors) (used by the state to to take away civil rights, privacy, anonymity by bribing the vote, democracy or mass rule)?

Q and the anons will help set your mind free.