cry moar plz
cry moar plz
If mj12 shill team isn't real why do you delete the globals night after night?
hahahahahahahahaha… really? you gotta do better than that babyfist
ok one post guy with 4 ready made "proofs"
babyfist = doge = B = retarded
I'm literally shaking in my boots babyfist
keep your fantasies out of this sicko…
So you gonna delete the globals again tonight? When no one is on the board, kinda like how infomertials run on tv when no one is watching.
kek... take it up with Jim faggot
k2 is amazing, I make my own natto
there are many videos on youtube on how to make it. Look up natto dad
funny you should mention that. Have you seen the videos by Dr. Tennant? He suggests all disease starts when voltage in the body is too low. He also suggests that each energy meridian in the body connects with a tooth. If there is a cavity in the tooth that means the meridian is grounding out. Which explains why so many sick people have such bad teeth no matter how well they eat or how often they brush.
There is another video by a Dr. Stephanie Seneff here https://youtu.be/fDWEVXhaydc where she explains the way to build charge back up i the body is through sunshine, sulphates and cholesterol. Basically lots of sun, eggs and cruciferous veggies.
Then this guy from EO Nutrition here https://youtu.be/PgssbwKm02k shows a way to detox and rebuild the body with sunshine, magnesium sulfate and activated charcoal. Brilliant stuff.
ok faggot… i guess that explains why you are here then
kek… so much red text
I care and you are a larping mj12 faggot who likes to con people. Get off the board.
it's almost infomertial time… are you faggots going to make fake q posts, talk about ingersoll-lockwood, push the "B" post, delete the globals which incriminate you all while jerking each other off tonight?
do you guys actually get any headway with your conjob during infomertial time on the board? I mean you guys pretty much shit up 90% of the bread in your MJ12 team circle jerk.
here we go with the Q is fake but B and R are legit routine… buy muh supplements
kek… but B… that shit is legit right! hahaha
Well anons it's getting close to ingersoll larpwood infomertial time and I don't want to see the MJ12 have their gay sex orgy.
Good night to all anons and fuck you to all MJ12 larpers, especially babyfist.