Anonymous ID: 8a0625 July 7, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.14078103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>14077906 LB

I don't know, I agree with the Gettr thing, I knew it wasn't Trump endorsed.

But, re Big Tech, Trump is going to be like….

"All your server are belong to us!"

Taking over all the sm big tech companies and jailing their execs. This is going to be fun! We get to control what is TRULY trending etc. going forward!


He kept telling us how hard it is to build an infrastructure like this. Imagine all the money these people make on the black market with all their criminal activities that they just launder right through. They are going to be brought up on some serious charges!! NO DEALS!!


That's the part I disagree with. Trump is not going to back down!

If he was going to back down as per codemonkey is stating he would not have had to wait this long to do this. You heard him talk about how they've had to study on every angle basically of how they can be charged. His team has thoroughly thought this through! I bet they've gone through mock court litigation just to test how it might play out!


NO DEALS!! These are people that have committed "horrors", things they've done we can't imagine, or not the bulk of the country.