Anonymous ID: 6eff90 May 14, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.1408169   🗄️.is 🔗kun


-A small village/intersection in Burkina Faso, Africa.


Q dropped the misspelling directly after speaking of

National Security Action…

These National Security Action Members have been ambasadors/associated with Africa:


Linda Thomas-Greenfield


Reuben Brigety II


Phil Gordon


Tom Perriello


Rebecca Brocato

> A simple "Sigle Brocato" Search Leads To This Article - enoughproject. org/blog/hochschilds-rape-congo-must-read

  • Notice The Author Is Brocato *


Upon further search into the article's source site… "enoughproject .org" we see the founder John Prendergast, is very, very connected.

(co-authored books with don cheadle, appears on oprah, etc..)

Linked within the enough project site directory is information that leads to "The Sentry"

Prendergast and Celebrity George Clooney together started "The Sentry" which claims to track illegal corrupt money and war crimes responsible for the

atrocious acts being perpetrated in Africa. …

> "War Crimes Shouldn't Pay" …

The Sentry's "About" Section Is a Must see for Anons (pic related)…you will see names like… Ryan Gosling, Don Cheadle, Annie Duke &…

Frank Giustra

>Sidenote: Frank and BC Formed a S.African Foundation directly after Frank's Canadian based UrAsia Energy LTD orchestrated the initial Purchase of Kazakhstan government owned Uranium mines. Giustra pledged $100,000,000 to this foundation from the profits directly occuring from the UrAsia Energy LTD's takeover of Kazatomprom Uranium Mines in Sep of 2005.

>UrAsia Energy LTD inevitably merged with South African Mining company Uranium One, which inevitably swallowed up USA uranium reserves and was the sold off to Rosatom, but you knew that already…

The Clinton Foundation received many kickbacks from investors directly involved in this transaction in the years to come.

  • thesentry. org/about/ *

Now briefly lets go back to Enoughproject While I have your attention:

The team at enough project can be viewed here - enoughproject. org/about/our-team

We see that team includes many, many well connected names as well.

For example, the current Senior Counsel for "their team" is Praveen Madhiraju


  • Praveen Madhiraju is currently the Deputy General Counsel at Center for American Progress,

Which was founded by none other than John Podesta.

Madhiraju is also a Law Fellow at the Public International Law & Policy Group, an NGO founded in 1995 out of London,

more information on the group can be found here publicinternationallawandpolicygroup. org/

This is a huge spiderweb that is very well connected and despite their outward "efforts" to help the situations on the ground in Africa this clearly stinks to high heaven and may very well be another sham in order to infiltrate under the guise of foreign aid, just like haiti, and others in the past.

…Need I say more?…

There are infinite names to connect regarding Enough Project The Sentry and even PILPCG.

Africa has been a playground for the wealthy and political elite, I believe the upper echelon know

exactly what goes on, as for the others, I believe most associated could be useful idiots for the top brass.